Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Rena Matsui: 2014 magazine scans #9 and new Nogi/SKE cards

 Just have two new mag spreads, Rena has seemed to been slowing down on appearing in mags this last month or so but do have a huge amount of new cards from her two groups. First off is a small spread from Barfout #228.

 Much bigger spread here from the September issue of Entame.

 Though only those two new spreads there's been a whole lot of new Rena card set for July and August for her two groups Nogi46 and SKE48. There's 29 new card pics in all, wonder if there's ever been a book published with just card pics of someone, there are so many of the pics it'd be easy to compile them in a book but wonder if it'd be a big seller though, perhaps not which is why we haven't seen one of those books.

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