Saturday, January 3, 2015

Haruka Shimazaki: 2015 magazine scans #2 and her 2015 calendar again

 Not sure if it's been a bad habit or not but in the past have waited a long to post about things as I tend to wait a long time for new things so I can make it a really terrific post but in the meantime things get outdated or you've found them somewhere else so this year the posts may not be as big but will be posting things much sooner. For instance there's only two new Haruka spreads but no sense holding on to them, second one is simply magnificent, have a small one to start off with though and these two pics are from the Feb. issue of CanCam.

 This is one her better spreads in a while, pics kind of make your jaw drop way, way low.... this fabulous spread is from the February issue of Entame.

 Will post this one last time, posted these a few weeks back but in case you missed it this is Haruka's AKB calendar for 2015.

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