Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Miori Takimoto: March 2015 news #1

 Don't know if you noticed it but made a note at the top of the blog about how I'm not going to be posting in the blog I created last August for Miori. It was doing very well and was getting quite a few views but it was too much keeping three blogs updated and I had been neglecting it too much so for now on all Miori posts will just be on this blog. Little late in the month but here's her desktop calendars for Sonypo.

 Miori has been a co-host of the "Another Sky" show since last October, it airs once a week on Friday nights. They have a FB page and they usually add in 2-3 new pics every week, here's the pics from the last week.

 Some pics from a new Dogpatch interview promoting her "Hula Girl" TV movie.

 The "Hula Girl" TV movie is airing March 11th on TV Tokyo, it has something to do with the earthquake/tsunami that happened in 2011. Hoping I'll be able to find it, would doubt if it would be subbed but just to watch anything from Miori is okay with me. Have some ultra fabulous Miori pics from a press conference she did for the movie on Monday, shame there's no video.


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