Sunday, May 3, 2015

Maki Horikita: 2015 magazine scans #3

 Forget what her first stage play was called but on May 6th Maki will be starring in her second one which is a real oldie called "Wuthering Heights". Haven't seen too much promoting for it yet but perhaps we'll see her at a press conference or more for the play this week, few pics from an interview for it with Digital Asahi.

 Not all that many new mag spreads but at least they all look mighty fine, been a quiet first four months for Maki this year and this first one is from Weekly Sunday Shonen #21.

 Maki from volume 32 of TV Person.

 Last spread with just the two pics is from the June issue of Mina, after them are some recent Maki pics from her 'Horikita Collection' blog.

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