Saturday, August 8, 2015

Nogizaka46: "NOGIBINGO!" season 5 episode one screenshots and recap

 Nogi's mag spread posts are usually the most viewed when I post one for a day, actually the most viewed it seems. However their TV shows are a different story as they're not all that popular or at least compared to the mag posts. Won't stop posting about their shows as they're really quite entertaining and if you've never watched would highly recommend them, season one and two for this show so far have been the best.
 Kind of a slowish start for season five, just watched episode three which was quite good but this one was just so-so. The show wasn't confusing but why they picked the theme they did was the confusing part as it wasn't as entertaining as most other shows have been but even saying that it's still worth a watch especially considering how few have been subbed.

 First episode was titled "Sousenkyo" aka election as some members were pulling stunts or tricks on the other members to break them. Kind of didn't understand what the purpose of it was as there really wasn't an election and the real purpose was kind of an endurance contest.
 Some of the contests were quite good, Nanase's stood out though she wasn't the winner which went to the team of Miona, Hinako and Miria. That's really it for the recap as I've finally done one that's short instead of writing a tome which happens more often than not. Next review will be much longer as that was a better and more entertaining show, will probably be doing that tomorrow. However with all the screenshots that were taken think if you view them all you'll be able to understand 100% of what happened, so well that you may not need to view the show.

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