Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Natsuna Watanabe: 'WPB-Net' deluxe scans from 2010 part one

 Mentioned it many times recently on Tuesdays and Wednesdays but those are by far the slowest days of the week for anything new, most posts I do on those two days are much older ones. Just reviewed the "Ranma 1/2" movie from 2011 two posts down in which Natsuna had a big role as the female Ranma though I didn't take enough screenshots of her.
 To make up for that have even better pics than the movie ones here and as mentioned above another set of oldies but they're truly hard to beat. This collection came out in May of 2010 when Natsuna was 21, shame she doesn't do many of these spreads these days but least we can savior these ones from years ago. There's over a hundred pics so have split them up between this and the next post, not much more to add about dazzling pics like these so just hope you enjoy them.

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