Monday, September 28, 2015

Nogizaka46: The Erika Ikuta post #3

 Bit of a slow period for Nogi lately too so I expect a deluge of things to be coming our way very shortly, especially with their new single coming out soon. And for those who haven't heard there's going to be a second season of "Hatsumori Bemars", not many details out on it yet such as when it'll be starting but will let you know as soon the info comes out. The final episode of season one aired last Friday and as soon as the subs are done will be reviewing that so expect that within the next few days.
 That above pic of Erika is from a blog entry she made two days ago, wow is she really looking fabulous. If you're a fan of her expect a few more of these solo posts in the near future, do have quite a few things of her and many of them haven't been posted here yet. Said Erika is looking fabulous and she certainly does here in this spread from the new issue of Big Comic Spirits for October 12th.

 There aren't too many new things from Erika as I've been keeping up with her but these are some recent pics from her blog.

 Posted these pics two weeks ago but it wasn't in a solo spread and for some reason that post hasn't attracted a lot of views so here's an encore from volume two of the "Hatsumori Bemars Digital Photobook".

 Last thing for now is Erika's spread from the last issue of 'Nogizaka Quarterly' which was volume four, also have a superb promo video for it. Have no clue but wondering if the quarterly series stopped because all the members had a feature, most of the spreads and videos were quite good.

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