Thursday, October 22, 2015

Haruka Shimazaki: A little of this and that for October 2015....

 Think this may be the first 'little of this and that' post here for Haruka, almost all of her posts have been for mag spreads which  have meant many posts over the last few years. However Haruka's most popular posts have been for her first photobook which came out in 2013, "Paruru Komaru", it was easy to see why it garnered so many views as it was one stupendous PB. All Paruru fans will be happy to hear that her second book is coming out on November 20th and is called "Paruru Fuku". Have more info on it below but the PB is coming out the day before her first starring role in a movie, no doubt to increase sales of both of them and these are some early promo pics that have come out for the book.

 There's just one new Haruka mag spread which is from volume 17 of Mgirl.

 On October 22nd Haruka was at the opening ceremony of the 28th 'Tokyo International Film Festival'. her movie coming out on November 21st is supposed to be screened there. The film's title is "Gekijourei" which translates over to Ghost Theater and it's a horror film directed by Nakata who is quite famous for his horror movies. Here's some pics from the opening ceremony and will hopefully have more pics from the film's screening.

 Think I may have posted the film's trailer already but for those of you who may have missed it here it is again.

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