Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Jung So-Min: An intro post.... a little of this and that #1

One reason lately for all these Korean actress posts is that it's been such a quiet period for many of my fave Japanese women, it's really been going on for a while now. Least this slow period has allowed me to start posting about Korean actresses, have been wanting to add more of them in for a while but there just wasn't enough time in the day to do that. But now that the ice has been broken there will hopefully at least one post a day for someone as I see this quiet time going on for a while. These posts have been so-so popular, not as many as I would have liked but then again they are getting a solid amount of views, sure if I keep at it their popularity will grow here.
 Now on to So-Min who I've known about for quite a while but haven't seen her in enough things, these posts are also helping me to know the actresses better too. So-Min is 26 and will be turning 27 next March 16th, she's not young but is the youngest actress I've posted about so far. Have many things here to introduce her with the first thing an oldie from the April 2014 issue of Ceci.

 So-Min seems to be invited to so many VIP events and premieres, here she is at the 'Seoul Fashion Week' which took place the first week of April of this year.

 At another VIP opening, this one was for the "Agatha" musical back in March.

 Another oldie mag spread from the February 2014 issue of Marie Claire.

 New mag spread here which is from the July/August issue of Oh Boy!.

 Least So-Min looks pretty darn good at all these VIP premieres, this one is from the opening of the "Dangerous Families" movie on May 31st.

 As usual save the 'best' pics for last, least these look the best to me. So-Min's current drama "D-Day" started on September 18th, two days prior to that she dazzled us all at a press conference for the drama.

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