Sunday, October 4, 2015

Masami Nagasawa: Busan Film Festival pics

 We've heard so little of Masami this year yet when we do see new pics of her doesn't she look more perfect than ever? To me she certainly does in these pics as on October 4th she appeared at the 20th 'Busan International Film Festival' where they screened her movie that came out in June "Umimachi Diary". The film hasn't been released in Korea yet but will be in December.
 Masami was at the festival with the film's director and they attended a answer and question session for the movie which is what most of these pics are from. Looked up other words that mean perfect, some were flawless, matchless, unequaled, ideal.... think all those words plus many others describe how Masami looked at the festival.... WOW!!!! Actually Masami has appeared at many film festivals the last few years and has always looked beyond perfect at them so think that'll be in the works, a post comparing all of her festival pics from the last four years. That could be the post of the year but in the meantime enjoy these superlative pics, think it's impossible not to.

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