Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Nogizaka46: The Nanami Hashimoto post #35- "Yasashii Toge" scans #1

 If you're a Nanami fan.... and why wouldn't you be!?!?.... you're in luck this week as there will probably be another solo post coming up this Friday. This post was originally going to be for "Girls Locks!" show pics and one new mag spread but the G.L. site hasn't added in her pics yet as Nanami is the host for this week's radio show. Also will have a few other things for that next post so that'll be something to look forward to.
 Nanami's first photobook "Yasahii Toge" came out on August 20th and it was #1 on the Oricon charts it's first week out selling a little over 20,000 copies. That total is now over 40,000 copies which makes it a solid success, sure would love to see a second PB from her then. This is part one and think the second part will be in her next post unless but then again may hold off for a bit as the next post could have a huge amount of pics. There's really some stupendous pics in this book as Nanami looks more amazing than ever but do have two small complaints about the book. One is that it's not a huge book, some of them have 125+ pics while this one had less than a hundred. Also could have had a few more of her dazzling pics, you'll see what those ones are below but guess that's okay as Nanami still looks more perfect than ever.

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