Friday, October 23, 2015

Park Shin-hye: A little of this and that for 2015 #4

 Once again Shin-Hye needs no introduction here, kind of a crime that I haven't done more posts for her this year but then again could say that about most of the Korean actresses that I like. Let's get right to things as there's plenty to post about, said it in her last post and will say it again which is that Shin-Hye is probably the busiest Asian actress around, rarely do a few days go by without new things happening with her. Posted her pics from the HStyle Autumn collection but need to make for all the things missed so these are from their Summer collection.

 New pics here from the Mind Bridge Autumn collection, think the biggest difference between Japanese and Korean actresses is these 'collections' they appear in as Shin-Hye must do them for 20 or so companies, quite a few other actresses also appear in too many to count.

 An ultra dazzling Shin-Hye on October 20th as it's Korean Fashion Week and she was at a show for Jain Song.

 Do have one mag spread which is from the September issue of Self.

 One last set of pics which is for Millet and their Winter collection.

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