Saturday, October 17, 2015

Yui Aragaki: "Okitegami Kyoko no Biboroku" drama episode two screenshots and one new mag spread

 Have watched the first episode with subs and was planning on doing a recap of that episode tonight but there were so many other posts to do didn't have the time, those recap posts can take a while. What I'm thinking of doing is after watching the second episode with subs is to do recaps for the first two episodes, not 100% sure but leaning towards doing that. Then again if there's zero to post about tomorrow will do the recap for the first episode, we'll see how things go.
 That first episode was quite enjoyable, not a must watch by any stretch but found it do be a solid view and it has the potential to be a really fine drama. So expect to see recaps for all the episodes then, think it's Gakky's best drama in a while that she's had the lead role in. Lot of unanswered questions too from that first episode but that's a good thing and will get into those in the first recap. There's one new mag spread which is below these screenshots from the second episode, could have posted more but holding off on them until I do the recap for this episode.

 Kind of getting used to Gakky's looks from the drama, her attractiveness still shines through but do prefer these kinds of pics more which are from the November issue of ar.

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