Friday, November 27, 2015

Haruka Shimazaki: 2015 magazine scans #13

Not too many new spreads today, seems like I have a few new ones for many of my faves but not enough for a big post but there are a few recent AKB cards to fill this post out. Tomorrow Haruka will be having a signing event for her new PB, posted those scans here a few days and should be having news of the event over the weekend. The session is just for those who have bought the book and it's also just open to females. That PB ranked #1 on the Oricon charts it's first week out selling about 12,000 copies which seems a bit low but it was released on a Friday which means that first week only consisted of three days worth of sales so there be an increase for the second week.
 On to a few new spreads with the first set of terrific Haruka pics being from Weekly Shonen Champion #52.

 Been quite a few January spreads lately, this has been one of the quickest years that I've survived. This Haruka collection is from Street Jack.

 Like I said above there weren't many new spreads but thought there were more than this, guess I counted wrong. This last one just has two pages which is from Barf Out! #243.

 Last thing for the day are Haruka's Theater cards for October and November.

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