Friday, November 13, 2015

Sakura Miyawaki: "AKB Horror Night" drama episode 5 recap and screenshots

 Thought I would check out a few episodes from this semi horror drama that's currently airing, it's a revolving cast so will just be watching the episodes with some of my faves. There's going to be a total of 20 episodes, seeing as how most of my faves have left will will probably end up watching only about half of the shows. The show features a different star every show, it includes members of AKB, SKE, NMB and HKT.
 The show started airing October 7th on Asahi TV, two episodes a week are shown and there will be a total of 20 shows. There's also going to be 20 shows aired on the Internet, don't know whether they're different episodes or just different versions of the ones that air on TV. Right now ten episodes have aired and not sure why I started with this one, am going to skip the first two but plan on watching the third and fourth shows which star Nao and Sayaka. But here's no ongoing story line to the series so guess you could start with the final episode and watch them all backwards as they're all stand alone episodes. Will give more details the next recap but after the 20th episode there's going to be a voting for the best actress, think the winner will then star in a bonus episode.

 Warning.... these recaps should be very short, not because the show(s) were bad or that I'm lazy(usually) but they're quite short episodes. This one was a little over 11 1/2 minutes, take away a minute or so for the credits and it really ended up being only about a ten minute show thus not leaving much time for a lot of things to happen. The official title to this drama is "AKB Horror Night Adrenaline no Yoru", title of this episode is 'Doppleganger'.
 Sakura stars as 17 year old Juri who is best friends with Ayaka, don't know the name of the member who played her but have seen her around. Ayaka is an outcast at high school, Juri was popular at one time but once she started being friends with Ayaka she lost all her previous friends.
 One day a terrified Ayaka goes to Juri asking for help as she think she's seen her doppleganger, hope I don't need to explain what one is. Juri had never heard of the word but once Ayaka told her Juri tried to dismiss her saying there's no such thing in the world. Later on though Ayaka even threatens to kill herself in front of Juri unless she helps her kill the doppleganger, reluctantly Juri agrees to help her and is even starting to believe that Ayaka may have one of them following her.

 It's all planned for Juri to kill the doppleganger as you're not allowed to kill your ownselve according to Ayaka who also warns to beware of any tricks the doppleganger will try. That trick would be to make Juri confused and kill the real Ayaka but they have it set up beforehand so that Juri will be 100% certain of who the real Ayaka is.
 On the fateful night it looks like a success as Juri is able to overpower the doppleganger and kill the being or at least that's what appeared so at first. Juri had been tricked from the beginning as it was Ayaka's doppleganger who had planned everything, Juri easily fell for the plans and ended up killing the real Ayaka as the doppleganger walks away in hysterics. Don't know what happened after that as we heard police sirens in the background with the doppleganger disappearing, looks like Juri will end paying the price for being so easily duped.

 Like I mentioned above the episode was only a little over ten minutes long so only so much can happen in a short amount of time like that. Wouldn't exactly call it horror but actually found it to be an enjoyable watch, looking forward to the other episodes that I plan on watching.
 If you've seen any of the Kadokawa TV specials this is something along those lines. The TV specials usually had about five segments that were between 15-20 minutes long, they were supposed to be horror stories but really can't say they were but actually really ended up liking those specials and recommend them. They're easily available on DVD and for a cheap price too, have watched all of them too many times to count.
 Here's a few more screenshots from this episode, guess the main reason for starting with this episode was because of Sakura who lately has become somewhat of a fave of mine. After the screenshots is a short 15 second promo video for the episode.

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