Sunday, November 29, 2015

Yui Aragaki: "Okitegami Kyoko no Biboroku" drama episode 7 recap and screenshots

 Start Date: October 10, 2015  Director: Toya Sato   Rating: 9.3%

Main Cast:

Yui Aragaki as Kyoko Okitegami
Masaki Okada as Yakusuke Kakushidate
Mitsuhiro Oikawa as Horo Kizunai
Arioka Daiki as Nuru Narikawa
Rio Uchida as Makuru Makuma

 More enjoyable episode this week though there wasn't much of a mystery involved in the story until the last ten minutes. Still unsure how many episodes are going to be aired, the eighth one aired last night so if there's a total of ten then the final show would be on December 12th. Two weeks before X-Mas seems like an early end date so perhaps there will be an 11th show which means there will be three more episodes with an end date of December 19th. Don't bet the house on any of that as it's just some rambling thoughts of mine.
 Kind of a continuation from the sixth episode, in that show Kyoko's case was to to find the final manuscript written by her favorite mystery writer Sunaga. Kyoko wasn't the only person looking for the manuscript as it was Sunaga's 7th 'festival' which was a contest to see who could find his hidden new book. During the festival though Sunaga died but Kyoko with help from a few others did find his final book.

 That story line is brought over to this episode as a few people associated with Sunaga feel as though he may have committed suicide instead of dying of natural causes. If he did kill himself it would help the sales of his final book however his editor and the president of the publishing company don't think it was suicide and have enlisted the help of Kyoko to find out the reason for his death.
 Kyoko feels the clues to determine how Sunaga really died will be in his books, he's written 99 of them and the new manuscript would be number 100. The problem lies with Kyoko falling asleep, if that happens while she's reading his books she'll forget any clues she may have found so she enlists the help of Yakusuke. Kyoko has to stay awake for many days as she's planning on reading all 99 books at once, seems like an impossible feat and it turned out so.
 Yakusuke was hired to stay with Kyoko at her apartment and keep her awake and at first it seemed the plan would work. Kyoko zipped through quite a few books at first, it appeared as though it would jsut take her a tad over 2 1/2 days to finish all 99 of them. Of course though reading that much takes it's toll and it did to Kyoko who really started to slow down on the reading. Through four days she did manage to read 78 of the books which was very impressive but her body couldn't last any longer and she ended up not finishing them as she fell asleep taking a shower.

 Yakusuke managed to save Kyoko, she ended up taking a cold shower for three hours and he thought she may die. That wasn't the case but knowing that Kyoko wouldn't remember the case Yakusuke got rid of all the materials in her apartment so she wouldn't be reminded of it such as disposing of all 99 books. Kyoko did wake up though before he got rid of all of their materials and was able to pilfer a list of the books from him which ended up solving the case.
 Kyoko did find some clues in a few of the books, reading them all she deduced would have been a waste of time. Sunaga had written mainly series, out of his 99 books only seven would be considered stand alone mysteries. Kyoko was able to find the clue in those seven books which could have been considered a series as they all featured a minor character. That character was named Asami who was Sunaga's girlfriend when they were 17 but however had died at the age.
 In those books he kept the name of Asami alive, first as a 17 year old, then as a young woman in her 20's, then a woman who gets married and continued that mini story until she was an older woman. Kyoko thought that someone who cared about another person that much and wanted to keep their memory alive would never kill themselves. The editor and president were satisfied with that deduction and accepted the fact that Sunaga died of natural causes, now his final book can finally be published. It will be released in February and that's also the month when those previous seven 'stand alone' mysteries were released.

 Mystery was kind of on the thin side for this show but found this episode a bit more enjoyable than the previous 2-3 shows, no real reason for that but it just seemed a bit different. If you're a Gakky fan then would recommend this drama, her previous two series that she had the lead in were so-so at best but this one is an improvement though won't call it a must watch.
 Subs for the drama have been getting done about a week after the episode airs so would think the next recap will be next weekend but will do another post of screenshots without subs between now and then. Speaking of screenshots as usual have a huge amount of them in the next post.

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