Friday, May 6, 2016

Sakura Miyawaki: Few recent mag scans....

 HKT's latest single is titled "74 Okubun no 1 no Kimi e" and was released on April 13th. It did finish #1 on the Oricon charts it's first week out selling 238,800 copies. However that was the group's lowest first week sales for any of their singles and it's sold only 13,000 in it's next two weeks. Also had wanted to put a video of the song here but there was no PV on YT nor would it let me view them singing it on Music Station, those aren't ways to help sales.
 Have noticed the aura with the '48' sister groups has definitely worn off, NMB's latest single has been the group's worst seller since their first single. I really like SKE but the sales for their latest single also took quite a drop as it was the group's lowest selling single in five years. Even AKB's singles haven't done as well these last few years except for the election single that's released just prior to their June elections. Other group's singles seem to be selling well or as in the case of Nogi extremely well so perhaps J-Pop fans are just starting to get a bit tired of the family.

First Sakura post here since February, there's truly been very little going on with her recently. She did turn 18 on March 19th and hopefully she'll be the last under 18 gal I post about here. Was going to do a Sakura b-day post but there weren't too many new things so just waited until there were enough, been a much longer wait than expected. Do have some four A+ spreads today from the last few months, actually the first two are a bit older while the other two are fairly new. Leading off today is a smallish set of pics from Young Jump #13.

 Looks like this in a continuation of the above spread as these pics are from Young Jump #15.

 Spread celebrating Sakura's 18th b-day from the March 28th issue of WPB.

 Ending off with a superb set of Sakura pics from the May 5th Weekly Shonen Champion.

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