Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Sakura Miyawaki: 2016 magazine scans #4

 Don't you get the feeling that when Sakura turns 25 she'll still look like a 15 year old? To me she hasn't aged a day in years but unsure whether that's a good thing or not. HKT's eight single "Saikou ka yo" was released on September 7th, it topped the Oricon charts selling 269,000 copies.

 Should be able to top the sales of the group's previous single which sold only a little over 300,000 copies which was their lowest total since their first single. To me HKT's singles have all been fairly good, much better than NMB's yet their sales are much lower than NMB, surprisingly their biggest selling single has only sold 350,000 copies.
 Been a while since the last Sakura post but she's been a bit quiet over the Summer though she was in the "Crow's Blood" drama. Last three months there's only been three new mag spreads but as I've said before seems as though Idols have zero spreads for many months then all of a sudden they're in ten of them in just a matter of weeks. First set is from the July issue of Bomb.

 Really superb set of Sakura pics from Young Champion #17.

 Weren't too many new Sakura spreads but at least they were all fairly big, last set is a brand new one from the September 26th issue of Young Magazine.

 Sakura has really been moving up in the AKB elections that are held in June. Her first one she finished 47th but since then jumped up to 26th, 11th, seventh and in the last election finished sixth as she's really becoming so popular. Have some cards here for AKB's 45th single "Love Trip".

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