Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Nogizaka46: 'NOGIBINGO!' season seven episode five recap and screenshots

 First Nogi post in five days, have to admit I was slightly overdosing on them and really needed to slow down. Then again the group hasn't done much these last ten days except to appear on music shows promoting their new single which was released today. Will hold off on announcing the sales figures for now as I'm finding using the numbers from Billboard Japan may be more accurate then the Oricon charts.
 This show was a continuation from episode four, theme for that one and this was about some members trying their hands at part time jobs. Some members seem to be quite good at 'living' such as preparing food, cleaning, running a household and knowing other things which normal people like us know. Misa seems to be the best at knowing how to live a regular life, kind of shocking how little some members know about things such as having a job. Being an Idol isn't a lifetime job so kind of wonder how they'll be able to survive outside the entertainment industry, getting married is usually the most common option. That thought wasn't just about Nogi members as it could be common among all J-Pop groups, especially the more popular ones.

 The members tried their hands at two part time jobs on this show, Sayuri had the first choice and her dream job was to work at McDonalds. Joining her at the job were three M members.... Manatsu, Mahiro and Minami. The four were broken down into two teams and they had to successfully serve a customer, the employee on hand said that where she managed you had 90 seconds to prepare and serve a customer their order.
 The segment didn't take place at a regular McDonalds but at a training center called 'Studio M'. No real customers either, that would have been so much more interesting as how would someone react being served by a Nogi member? So Rina and Erika were the members who acted as customers, neither was happy with their orders and it was easy to see why.

 The twosome of Mahiro and Minami didn't quite make that 90 second mark as you can see. The order wasn't too badly prepared but nothing like a regular employee could do, come to think of it no member tried the food so don't know how they tasted.
 The second team consisted of Manatsu and Sayuri who made that first team look like superstars. Manatsu did a respectable job at taking the order and telling Sayuri what the order consisted of. Erika was the customer and made it difficult as she wanted so many things done to her double cheeseburger: no pickles, extra onions, light on the ketchup, etc.
 Unless you had gone five days without eating you wouldn't have wanted to try Sayuri's burger as it's hard to believe someone could be so inept. Nothing was prepared right, the wrapping was horrible and it looked quite terrible, a regular customer would have asked for their money back. Looks like Sayuri enjoys eating there but would have no hope of ever being a fast food employee.
 Out of a bad bunch Manatsu was declared the winner as she was competent at taking and serving the order with a smile. Just a fair segment as it would have worked so much better if the customers were people off the street.

 Next part time job was a much more interesting one with Himeka having the choice. Her dream job was to work at a Maid cafe, not positive but doesn't she like to cosplay? Two other members also took part at working as waitresses at the cafe, they were Miria and Rina. Unlike that first segment all of them did a good job especially Himeka who was chosen as the best.
 Looked like she had done this kind of work before as she knew exactly what to do and how to act as perhaps she's visited cafes in the past. Sadly that's just something you probably find in Japan, don't think they have anything like Maid cafes on this side of the world. Miria was up next and hard to say how she did as her air time seemed to be edited to such an extreme we only saw her for less than a minute, have a feeling she would have been superb too.
 Last up was Rina who seems to be changing lately. She was the center for the group's first five singles but developed a bit of a snotty attitude because of that, now the last 3-4 singles she's been in the back row. Think she's learned a bit about being more of a team player but that may happen to many Idols when they're around 18 and all of a sudden become so popular. She did an excellent job as a maid waitress as she showed much more spunkiness and humor than usual.
 Rina came close to being the best maid waitress but that honor went deservedly to Himeka, would have voted for her too. Once again there were no regular people as customers and the members did those parts.

 All of the five episodes for this seventh season have been good but there's something lacking in them compared to the first few seasons. My feeling is that they're too scripted out these days and there's not enough spontaneity in the shows or at least compared to their other variety show "Nogizaka Under Construction". Also would have been more funny these last two episodes if real people were in the shows instead of members doing those parts.
 Still haven't seen an appearance by a few members, notably Nanami and there's only seven more shows to go. Sure she will appear on one but hope it's not episode twelve which would be their        X-Mas show and also would be the last time for her being on the show. Once again the subs were done by Good Enough subs and will be back next week at the same time recapping the next episode, huge amount of screenshots here for you to enjoy.


  1. Seira Nagashima posted a selfie with Nanami Hashimoto recently

  2. Really liked Seira, think if she became a Senbatsu member she'd still be with the group. She did say that she would be retiring form the entertainment industry but hasn't as she's appeared on some variety shows and other things like that these last few months.
