Monday, May 22, 2017

Keyakizaka46: 'Tokuyama Daigoro' drama press conference pics and magazine scans

 The Keya gals are all pointing accusing fingers at each other as after six episodes of the drama any of them could be the murderer of Tokuyama! Don't know if you've read any of the recaps but this has been one enjoyable, interesting drama and think it's going to get much darker.

 Admit I've been doing too many Keya posts recently but there's so much to catch up with them over the last year or so. Except for a few of my faves too many have been very quiet, especially C-ute whose final performance is in three weeks and have heard very little from the recently as it seems they're doing a concert almost every day which leaves time for little else.

 But that's okay as I've really been getting into this group and learning much more about the members. Will have many more solo posts coming up for all of the members or at least the ones 18+ but will definitely have more of them for this pair who are my current fave two members.

 Do we call them W-Watanabe???? 😖 Those are two promo pics for the drama and did mention in one of the recaps that I would be doing a post for their press conference and other promo activities for the show. There's actually so many things there will probably be another one but will wait until the next two recaps are done. For this post have three group mag spreads though there are more which will be in the next post. All of these three of course are promoting the 'Tokuyama' drama with this first one being from TV Guide Plus #23.

 This set of pics here are from the August 2016 issue of Bomb.

 Final spread is another one from August 2016 and it's from Nikkei Entertainment.

 The drama started airing July 16th on TV Tokyo, on the 3rd there was a press conference for the series. There's 22 members in the show but only twenty one were at the event, can't tell you by looking at the group pics who was missing. Getting there knowing the many members within a fraction of a second but will take a while until I know them as well as the Nogi members.
 Have some solo pics of the members and for the next post will have many more solo pics for the ones that aren't here. The members in order with 3+ pics each here are Yurina, Akane, Yuuka, Risa, Yui I. and Rika. After the pics have a short TV Tokyo video for the drama, their site for the show is still active and has many things worth checking out there.

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