Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Nogizaka46: 2017 Magazine scans #31 and other new Baitoru CM

 Back much sooner than I thought with the next Nogi post, as mentioned in the previous one May is going to be one busy month but upon further reflection is there ever a month where Nogi isn't extremely busy? Above are the other two covers for the group's third album which comes out three weeks from tomorrow.
 That week Nogi will also be appearing at a 'Girls Awards' show, perhaps they'll sing a few new tunes from the album as at least half the songs will be new. It'll be the first album sans Nanami, wonder if she'll have any pics that will be included as she did appear on two of the singles that will be on the album but notice she's not on any of the covers.

 Will be starting on season eight of 'NOGIBINGO!' real soon, perhaps today and will be doing recaps for the shows. The first two episodes mainly featured the third generation members so we could get to know them better. The last two seasons there's been an assistant MC who were Himeka and Misa, no clue if this season will also have one but will find out soon enough.
 On to some spreads and there aren't too many but often I say that and there still are at least 25 pics. Seems there's a rule these days that every mag has to feature Asuka and can't think of too many she hasn't appeared in lately. This stylish set is from the May issue of Sweet.

 Once again another set which features Asuka and these pics are from the May 15th issue of Young Magazine. Joining her in the spread is Kazumi, Manatsu and Miona followed by some with Misa as they're both pushing their photobooks.

 Another set from Young Magazine and think you can figure out who is who.

 Ranze finally became a Senbatsu member for the last single but even as an Undergirl she was quite popular, fine spread here is from the June edition of Bubka.

 Nogi has two new CM's out for the temp agency Baitoru, last post had one of them. The two came out yesterday, here's the second one and there may be a few more coming out next week.

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