Friday, June 2, 2017

Nogizaka46: A little of this and that for 2107 #17....

 That top pic is of the third generation members on 'Showroom' last week promoting the new album while the bottom one is from the 'Music Station' show as Nogi appeared on last night's show. Bit of a smaller post than usual, these A little of this and that posts seem to be quite huge. But it also got me thinking how much we've been spoiled by Nogi over these last few years, no J-Pop group has done as much as they have and think we've come to expect many new things every day.
 Most days there are new Nogi happenings but then again the members do deserve a bit of a break. Wouldn't doubt if June will be a slower month for group activities as they're probably doing a bit more filming for the "Asahinagu" film which will be released on September 22nd. Also the group's Summer tour will be beginning at the start of July so they'll be needing a bit of a break before it starts and they also need to do a lot of rehearsing for it.

 Once again no new mag spreads but was just at the member's blogs and looks like there's many of them that will start coming out in the next week or so. One of my fave members for a while has been Kazumi who finished #2 on my first 'Fave Nogi Members' list. She's was so quiet for a long stretch but recently has been picking up on her activities. Fine pics here are from a Modelpress interview that came out today, didn't say too much but at least she didn't mention the word graduation.

 No news on the group's next single, normally one comes out every four months so the end of July would be the expected time. The last four years they've released a single at the end of that month so odds are good that's when #18 will be coming out.
 Would think it's too early for any third generation members to be promoted to being a Senbatsu, perhaps the following single it'll happen. My money would be on Mizuki to be the first to be promoted, she's already become such a popular member. Pics here are from an interview with the site '' which is run by TV Weekly and it's promoting the eighth season of 'NOGIBINGO!'.

 Nogi;s Summer tour will be starting on July 1st and they'll be performing two shows at the Meiji Jingu Stadium in Tokyo. Last two years that's where they ended the tour and heard that last year's shows from that stadium will soon be released on DVD. After those two shows though the group won't be performing until August 11th where they'll do three shows in Miyagi.
 Following those are three performances in Osaka, they'll be a few more concerts after that in August along with some in October. Promo cards for the tour will be coming out shortly but a few have already been released.

 The group, except for a few members, have really been doing a worse job than ever at keeping their blogs updated. Seems I post the same members all of the time and that's mainly because they're much better at letting the fans know what's currently happening with them and the group. Someone like Hinako at one time was so superb at keeping it updated yet she's only done one if five weeks.
 Nice to see Himeka back as she was always one of the best at doing entries, she mentioned that there will be many new mag spreads coming up soon featuring her. She has five pics as does Miona who over the last month has become Nogi's best blogger.

 Rena Yamazaki is an Undergirl who I don't post about too often as we don't see that much of her. On May 21st she celebrated her 20th b-day and there was a mini party for her as the third pic shows. The third generation members I don't think have their own individual blogs yet but do entries as a group and not too many solo pics. Here's five pics of them from the last few days and seems Kaede is the best at doing entries.

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