Sunday, August 13, 2017

Lee Yeon-Hee: A way overdue post #1(?)

 Over eight months since the last Yeon-Hee post and it's not that I haven't wanted to do one or forgot about her but the problem is she's done very activities this year. No films either since 2015 but she is currently starring in a drama titled "Reunited Worlds". It's about halfway through it's run and odds are good I'll be viewing it as the episodes are just 35 minutes each which is rare for a Korean show.

 Yeon-Hee will be in another drama called "The Package" and it'll be beginning in October. It was originally supposed to start in January or February, don't know why it got pushed back so many months as I heard the filming of it was complete by the end of last year. Very few things for this year but maybe I need to work harder as she deserves a few more posts. Not many pics but least they're all superb from the Iope Summer collection.

 These pics are the main reason for this post as I can't think of the last time I've seen a woman look so enticing at an event. On May 3rd Yeon-Hee attended the 53rd 'Baeksang Art Grand Prix Awards' show. It's an awards show for the best actors, actresses, writers, etc. in Korea and it supposedly their most prestigious awards show.
 She wasn't up for any awards except if they gave one for best dressed but she was a awards presenter. Yeon-Hee may not be the most voluptuous woman on the planet yet the total is close to zero on how many beat her looks, wowowowowowowowowow!!!! Have many, many of her most impressive pics ever here from the show and following them is a short video which shouldn't be missed.

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