Sunday, December 31, 2017

Nogizaka46: The final 'A little of this and that for 2017' post....

 Think this could be a huge post so let's get to to the happenings. That video above should stay on YT but if not there are a few others that I can replace it with. Two days ago Nogi was at the 59th 'Japan Record Awards' show and for the first time they won Grand Prize for their song "Influencer". That's a song which was quite good and it was a nice rebound from their previous singles.
 But thought it still was no comparison to some of their earlier singles and wonder why those weren't up for any awards? No doubt sales weighs heavily on the minds of the judges as "Influencer" was the #6 best selling single of the year, Nogi also occupied the fifth and seventh spots as AKB had the top four best selling singles of the year. The group performed the tune at the ceremony and they actually sang it twice, once before they won the award and then immediately after.

 The 'Sayonara' single from November 2016 also made the top 100 for sales finishing in the 90th spot. For albums Nogi's third one 'Umarete' was the seventh best seller of the year with 411,000 copies sold. Keya also had an impressive year as four singles and their first album made the top hundred for sales and will have more info in their next group post.

 Just got to thinking with the massive success that Keya has had wonder when Nogi's second sister group will make their debut? Bit late but here's a few X-Mas Nogikoi cards that weren't posted.

 Haven't posted any blog pics for well over a month, one reason it seems is because the posts for Nogi have slowed down a bit or at least it feels that way. Just have two member's pics for today as the two have been Nogi's best bloggers for 2017 and first off is Miona. While the sales of Nogi's recent photobooks have been a bit so-so Miona's hasn't been as it soon should hit the 50,000 mark for copies sold, in it's fourth week out it was #8 on the Oricon charts.
 It sold 3,630 books which was a tad lower than Mai whose "Passport" PB continues to sell well as it's total last week was 3,844 sold. Second set of pics belongs to Miria, unsure if I mentioned it but she turned eighteen back on November 1st and to me she's so deserving of being promoted to a Senbatsu member. The Undergirls have their first album coming out next month and will have more info when the date gets closer but sadly it looks to be too much of a 'greatest hits' album. Final four pics are group ones with the first having all of the Nogi members.

 To end things off have a few recent mag spreads and all are for 2018 issues. The first belongs to Mai who graces the cover of the January 11th Weekly Shonen. Let's hope 2018 is not her last year with Nogi and think a few fans thought 2017 would have been her departure year.

 From a special Flash issue 'Best of Winter' 2017 these are the four members who have had a photobook since November 7th.

 There's three sets in from the final mag which is from the January edition of Bubka. Nice to see Sayuri I. in a solo spread and she looks oki doki to me, also with a spread is Yumi and it's a shame both only consisted of three pages.

 Saved the best for last as on the cover of the Bubka issue was Misa who was my #1 Nogi member of the year and doesn't she look just so incredibly sensual!!!! The group has a new series of CM's for Mouse and after the alluring pics have one featuring Erika.

1 comment:

  1. Hollllld up, 'Best of Winter' 2017 got 2 pics for each member except Mai! ONE! Where's my(mai) other one!!😡
