Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Keyakizaka46: 2018 Magazine scans #4

 Keya performed at Sunday's 68th NHK Kohaku show but it wasn't a pleasurable experience for three members. They did "Fukyouwaon" twice and during the second performance Yurina collapsed at the end of the song, if I recall that happened to her at an August concert and she had to miss a few shows. Backstage after the group did the song Manaka and Miyu also passed out, luckily none of the three were in bad shape as they didn't have to be transported to a hospital.

 It's not just Keya but so many Idols seem to be having health problems, they forced Nanami and Himeka to graduate from Nogi and also have heard of other incidents the past year. Being an Idol can be a grueling career, perhaps that's one of the reason not many continue after they're 25.
 On to better news as the group had two of the top ten best selling singles for 2017. "Fukyouwaon" which came out in April to date has sold 768,000 copies to be the 8th best seller. In ninth place was "Kaze ni Fukaretemo" which has sold 723,000 copies, that's impressive as the single didn't come out until October and it's still selling.

 Keya's first album 'Masshiro' was the ninth best seller for albums selling 366,525 copies, it was released in July and just one album that came out in 2017 was a million seller. We're already up to the fourth Keya post for the year, will admit I'm liking them much more recently than Nogi and their three 2017 singles finished in the three spots above Keya.
 On to the mag spreads and it's been hard to keep up with them lately but that's a good thing. Rika's first photobook has been selling well as it's close to 50,000 books sold which beats three of the four Nogi books that have been released since November. But of course most of the news has been about Neru's PB which sold close to 100,000 in it's first week out. Shame it's just four pages but that first pic makes up for it and this set is from WPB #3-4.

 Not listening to Keya at the moment as I've been on such an older Morning Musume kick lately, "Ren'ai Revolution 21" is currently blasting and what a tune that is and wonder if the Keya members are fans of them or other Hello Project groups? Back to the spreads and had part one of a special Top Yell Winter issue in the last post and here's the other two of three sets.

 This next one is quite big and broke it down into two parts. First features the Kanji members who also grace the cover of Quick Japan volume 135.

 "Re:Mind" didn't have a satisfying conclusion though I still enjoyed the series, no Idol dramas left for me to watch. The show starred the Hiragana gals who have part two of the Quick Japan pics.

 Final spread for today features a whole bevy of Kanji gals from the February edition of ViVi.


  1. Just went to ava look at Ren'ai Revolution 21, thought I never heard it before but I did and seeing how it's a popular song idk where I first heard it from. Can't tell what the '21' is about. Also seeing that was released in 2000 and knowing darn well I was alive back then, I feel old haha.
    Being an idol has got to be one of the toughest jobs to do in the entertainment industry but could also be the most versatile because they touch upon almost everything 'entertainment' related which is cool. Ya got acting, modeling, singing, dancing, tv shows and face to face talks from fan meets and such so they're like in school with 7 or so subjects and if they do a major in one of those or go somewhere else, they graduate(ohhh is that were the term 'graduation' came from?) so then they won't get homework from the other subjects. Ain't much freedom when you're an idol though which everyone knows but some don't seem to get which I don't get why they can't get what everyone else gets. Now we could get all deep and talk about behind the scenes and fans blahblahblah and write an essay about it but who the hell wants to read that amiright? haha anyways, Mizuho is cute.

  2. Their pay isn't on par with all of the activities they do until they start becoming ultra popular. Yurina was the highest paid Keya member for 2016 but only made about $54,000 in American money but then again the group was just starting out. Meanwhile someone like Himeka who really was only so-so popular made a little over $62,000.

  3. oooohh US money😍. How do you know their pay?? Don't see that bit of info in the papers. Are you perhaps...management!? Fortune teller? Could ya tell me how much the richest one and the least richest one gets out the 46 groups?

  4. Don't know the least richest ones but for 2016 Erika, Nanase, Nanami and Mai made around $200,000 but bet for 2017 Mai's income skyrocketed. The biggest salaries were for Rino which was to be expected but surprised Yuki came in second which is why I make her pay for our dinners....

  5. ohhh knew you were gonna pull something outta that one. Now I'm really curious of how low the pay gets for the not so fortunate which we'll probably never know coz that may be a touchy subject.
    Now that ya mentioned Rino and Yuki, guess ya heard the news of the 48 name heading to Mumbai(real s***) I find that funny as hell. All I can think of is Bollywood movies which some are actually pretty good(minus the female singing, that stuff makes ya ears burst). Stories are pretty neat(well the ones I saw were. There were only romantic ones...now that i think about it, don't know if there are ones that don't involve romance), action...needs a touch up and music is aight, pretty catchy until a female sings. Still waiting for the big man to accept my idea for 'SDL48' Simon's Dream Land :)
