Thursday, March 29, 2018

Mirei Kiritani: Even more March happenings....

 Not everything is for March as there's still a few things from 2017 to get to. But after a year of zero posts for Mirei have now had two in thirteen days and hope it's not the end of them. So far Mirei isn't scheduled to be in any dramas or films for 2018, that's not entirely a bad thing as her last few of each have been quite sub par.
 Little bit of everything for today and have been noticing Mirei is doing more modeling work than ever lately, perhaps that's why we haven't seen her recently on the screen. Not sure how many companies Mirei is an exclusive model for but it has to be at least five and wouldn't be surprised if it was more. One of the is Ginger who have many new pics of her at their site.

 Non-no is another mag Mirei is an exclusive model for and has been for about eight years. Add Voce to that list and these are also brand new pics from their site.

 On to some mag spreads but the first two will be from 2017 and will have a few more in Mirei's next post. Set here is from the June edition of 25ans.

 Mirei graces the cover of the July issue of andGirl.

 Oooops, got my years mixed up as there were three spreads from 2017 and this final one is from the October edition of Mina.

Just one new set for today as Mirei's last post contained quite a few for 2018, last mag spread is from the April/May issue of Soup.

 No sense ever talking about Mirei's weight these days as we all know she's too thin but has been this way for years and it'll probably never change. On March 29th Mirei was at a Uniglo event where she wore one of their new dresses from the Marimekko collection which I think is from Sweden. Some very thin(!) pics from the event followed by a video of it.

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