Friday, July 27, 2018

Akari Suda: Two new mag spreads plus some other news....

 Let's hope that this is the first of about five posts for Akari for this next month. She's only had ten posts here so you wouldn't think she's a huge fave of mine but the exact opposite is true. Akari has never made my end of the year 'fave's list' though that should change for this year. However Akari has been one of my top ten Idols for many years now but has just never has done enough things to make that list, for instance she doesn't appear in enough solo mag spreads but that's been changing the past few months.

 Not a huge post but these two new mag spreads are simply tremendous so there was no sense holding on to them but there's also some splendid news to share if you haven't heard. Seems the Gods have been listening to my prayers as so many Idols who I've wanted to have a photobook have now had one and finally up next with a PB will be Akari.
 To be honest had given up hope she'd have a book because of her age, she'll be turning 27 in October but truly looks better than ever and is there an Idol who tops Akari's sultriness these days? Hmmmm, perhaps Misa does but besides her can't think of anyone else who is still active. If these advance pics are any indication of what the PB will be like it'll easily be the #1 book of the year(decade).

 Cuba was the location where the pics for the PB were taken and what an odd spot that is, perhaps Japan has looser ties with the country compared to America. If you're going to be along the Nagara river in Gifu this Sunday look out for Akari who will be a host for a Suntory fireworks display, think she has a new CM for them but haven't found it on YT or perhaps it hasn't come out yet. These are a few recent Instagram pics and as you can see from the second to last one Akari isn't that tall of a gal which is so common for Idols.

 On to the two new mag spreads, these pics are simply some of the best for this year so it's such a shame the sets aren't bigger. However Akari will be in a few upcoming mags such as BLT and Tokyo Walker, will have them when the mags come out. Both these spreads are promos for the new PB which will be released on August 22nd, this small set is from WPB #32.

 Second set is from the July 24th edition of Flash and don't think I've ever been looking forward to a photobook as much as I am for Akari's first one. No ultra hot videos of Akari have ever been released so hopefully there will be one for the photo shoot for the PB. After these extraordinary pics check out her 'appeal video' for the last AKB Senbatsu elections where she finished second which kind of shocked me but in a good way.


  1. My goodness baus that last pic of the whole post is definitely best of the year, that one has got me rolling!!

  2. That's right up there as far as best pics of the year go and it seems Akari is dominating the list so far, second pic of the last set could be my fave.

  3. She's definitely a ticking time bomb man like woooo
