Friday, August 3, 2018

Juri Takahashi: Two new mag spreads plus much more....

 Not as big as Juri's last two posts but have a pair of fabulous new mag spreads and didn't think it made any sense holding on to them. Juri is finally becoming quite popular here as she has two of the ten most viewed posts for the last month and that feature is near the bottom on the right hand side.
 Juri released her fist photobook "Aima na Jibun" on July 24th, she's had about ten jaw-dropping spreads promoting the PB in the last month. Surprisingly it just finished second on the Oricon charts it's first week out, there's a Nogi group book that's been #1 all four weeks it's been out so the competition is stiff. Sales for the PB were 7,318 copies sold in it's first week and thought the total would have been higher, actually need to replace the would with should. Have posted a few pics from the PB but have a few newer ones mixed in here with those already posted ones.

 "Produce 48" is a new musical show that features 37 members of the '48' family. It airs on Mnet which is a Korean network as there's also 59 gals from various K-Pop groups on the show. Don't know all of the details as I haven't viewed any of it yet but the main theme is that the public votes on who the best singers are on every show.
 The 96 singers will eventually get whittled down to twelve and those dozen will become a group for two years releasing singles, appearing on other shows and perhaps performing some concerts. The problem is the shows are two hours in length(!!!!), no way could I sit through a show that long. But the individual contestants have many of clips on YT so in Juri's future posts will have screenshots and info from her appearances, hope the Korean audience just doesn't vote for K-Pop singers.

 Juri doesn't have her birthday until October 3rd but that didn't stop her from helping a mate celebrate theirs on July 14th.

 These pics are from a Walker Plus interview promoting the new photobook.

 Juri doesn't spend as much time on social media as other Idols do, she does have an Instagram account but doesn't update it often enough with these being from the past few weeks. Bottom pic is my fave but sadly it's with the wrong.... NAO!!!!

 On to the two mag spreads and this first one with five pages in from the August EX-Taishu.

 As usual saved the best for last and Juri looks so beyond scorching hot in the July 20th edition of Friday. Been a trend this year is that after a PB is released we don't hear too often from that gal and let's hope that's not the case with her.

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