Sunday, November 18, 2018

SKE48: Their most massive post to date!!!!

 Have a strong feeling there will be at least five more posts for SKE between now and the end of the year. One big reason is that their next single "Stand By You" will be coming out on December 12th and there should be many new mag spreads, interviews, promo pics and whatever to promote it. While I've soured the past few years on the songs of AKB, HKT and NMB the tunes from SKE are still very good though do admit I prefer their first ten singles but to me they've never had a single which I haven't enjoyed. After C-ute they could be my second fave J-Pop group.

 Least NMB's last two singles have been fairly good though with a major graduation wonder what the future holds for them? SKE hasn't had too many key departures over the years save for Rena, one reason I've kept up with them is that the ages of the most popular members keep rising. They are one of the older groups these days as far as that goes though there are certainly many young members though don't post about them. 

 Not much variety today as there's just two mag spreads along with pics from a promo event but they do add up to be a whopping total of 113 pics! First off is a spread from the August issue of Bomb which features Ryoha. She may be the most popular SKE member here as her too few solo posts have been viewed an incredible amount of times, just wish there were more to share with you. Joining her in this set is Maya who is also becoming a popular member as she's had at least three solo mag spreads the past three months and perhaps more.

 This next set is also from Bomb and their November edition. It's a humongous spread with 25(!) pics and there's a fivesome on the cover that features Nao who I do like quite a bit. The remaining four are Yuna who has had so many solo spreads this year, following her in the single pics is once again Ryoha. The final two members are Haruka who I don't know much about but she looks quite good and turned 21 back in August, as always everyone for today is eighteen or older.
 Another member I don't know too well is Natsuki who is 22 and also looks so darn good in her solo pic. The pics featuring the five aren't the end of the spread as there's ten more pages after them, few have some pics of Akane who we need to see in a regular spread just so, so badly....

 On November 17th a sextet of members were in their home base of Nagoya to promote a new
SKE/Aeon Visa credit card. It's part of the group's 10th anniversary, when you makes purchases with the card you can accumulate points to get posters and other SKE pics. My top three fave members were at the event and going in order of the solo pics is Akari who may be my #1 member at the moment and has one of the top photobooks of the year.
 Glad to see we haven't heard any graduation news from her and she just turned 27 on October 31st which makes her one of the older active Idols. Will have a solo post coming up for her soon and also for Jurina who is my all time SKE member. She was out ill for a few months but think she was a bit burnt out, she won't be turning 22 until March yet has been an Idol for ten years. We need another PB from Jurina who looks better than ever these days. Also in need of a PB is Mina and have been saying for years there's no Idol more deserving of one than her, she is hot to the Nth degree and has become much prettier the past few years.
 Fourth on the solo pics is Nao who turned 22 in September and could be the best saxophone playing Idol around. Also at the Aeon event was twenty year old Yuki who is someone I don't know much about either, she appears to be a fun gal so will see if she has any mag spreads for the next group post. Last on the solo pics is Sarina who has risen up my fave SKE members list this year faster than anyone else, she'll be turning 26 in exactly two months.
 Sarina has one of the best photobooks of the year and thinking of having a top ten list for books as this has been one fabulous year for them. On to the pics, there are a huge amount of them and honestly could have had so many more. The event was to also promote some new CM's for Aeon and have one of them after the pics.

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