Thursday, December 13, 2018

Aqours: Their first group post!!!!

 This is a group who has become such a big fave of mine the past two months though unsure if many others out there like them. Know there's a few members who viewers are really into with those gals being Arisa and Rikako, especially the latter. As it says above this is the first group post, will have a few more like this one but will try hard to have more with the individual members.
 Aqours is a nine member group though they're so much more than that as all are also voice actresses and I've really been getting into them lately. The nine are so popular these days in Japan and one main reason is because of their anime "Love Live! Sunshine" which had two season, all of them voice a character in the show. There's also going to be a cinema movie of it coming out in January so there should be plenty of things to post about them for a while.

 The bottom pic are the characters each voice in the "Love Live! Sunshine" anime which I truly need to watch. They also have a pair of albums that will be played this weekend, as you would imagine they're both upbeat and energetic. That top pic is for a group photobook coming out, think it's supposed to be a tie in with the anime movie plus they have another concert DVD coming out soon.
 Aqours doesn't have any regular PV's for their singles, all feature anime characters for the show the single is the theme song from. At the very top of the post is the group singing their third single "Happy Party Train" live which came out on April 5, 2017. To date it's been their most successful single as it reached #2 on the charts.

 All nine members do an excellent job at posting pics on their blogs or Instagram sites though not enough group pics, will be saving their individual ones for solo posts.

 On to three mag spreads, two of them are from 2017 but this first one is brand new from the December 21st issue of Young Gangan. Would think with their anime movie coming out next month there will be plenty of group or solo mag appearances coming up.

 Seiyuu Animedia is a magazine for voice actresses and they appear in so many issues. Quite a few times the spreads are for one member and have posted a few of those already. But this set from September 2017 features the entire group.

 Another Seiyuu Animedia spread and this is one of the biggest if not hugest spreads I've ever posted, it's from their May 2017 issue and was promoting the 'Happy Party Train" single.

 Huge honor for the group as they've been selected to appear on the 68th 'Kohaku Uta Gassen' show. That airs on December 31st and only features the most popular groups of the year, it also draws such incredible ratings. On November 12th there was a press conference for the show and our gals were there in full force but didn't find a video of the event.

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