Sunday, January 13, 2019

Nogizaka46: Asuka Saito, two new mag spreads and 'TGC' show pics....

 First Asuka solo post in quite a long time though this really isn't all that big as there are many new pics which won't be included. Lack of time for that as I'm doing four Nogi/Keya posts in a row. Have mentioned that there wouldn't be as many solo posts for Nogi's members due the upcoming first ever 'Top Twenty Fave Nogi/Keya Members ' list. However Asuka is a member who won't be making that list, do like her quite a bit but there are at least twenty other members from the two groups who I like so much more so ones not making the list will have just as many solo posts coming up.

 These days Asuka just may be Nogi's busiest member, she appeared at four(!) events this past week and to me she appears in more mags than any gal from Nogi. Asuka is the youngest first generation member as she didn't turn twenty until August, because of hitting that age two days ago she was at the Nogi Shrine in Tokyo for her 'coming of age' ceremony.

 On to that pair of new mag spreads and this first set is from Young Jump #6.

 Asuka's first and only photobook came out exactly two years ago, don't know what the current sales total is but the PB was a massive success selling at least 175,000+ copies. To me she looks so much better since she turned twenty so wonder why there hasn't been a second PB? The other new mag spread is from the February edition of Entame where Asuka also is their cover girl.

 Lastly on the 12th Asuka made another appearance at the 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show and these days she's a staple at their mega fashion shows. Yesterday's event took place down in Shizuoka, at the show she was there representing HARE and also took a walk on the '31 Sons de mode' stage.

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