Sunday, March 10, 2019

Nana Yamada: A blast from the past with one of Nao's immense faves!!!!

 Do have quite a few faves as all have noticed by now. Could probably break them down into categories such as regular faves, big, huge, immense and mega ones. As you can see Nana is right near the top of those categories and had she been more noticeable the past few years she would be a mega one. For so long she's been #2 on my list of hottest '48' members and how many thousands have gone through the groups?
 Kind of thinking she may be taking over that top spot soon, have been into Nana so much more lately though no viewer would know that due to her lack of posts. April 3rd is Nana's 27th birthday, that's also the date she graduated from NMB and can't believe it's already been four years. Nana has remained quite busy as she's a host of a travel show, co-host of a variety show plus does appear on so many others. Wish she was in some sort of regular drama but she will be in a film coming out next Friday titled ""B's Battlefield", perhaps there will be another post for the premiere.

 Whew, there's many overly hot current Idols but to me none top Nana, besides the AKB gals she just may be my hottest Idol of all time. She did have the lead role in a 2017 film titled "Mustard Chocolate", forgot all about it and have never seen it so after this will be on the hunt for it. Think there was a post for it's premiere but not sure about that, if not there's another post coming up.
 Main reason for this post is Nana's 2019-20 calendar which just came out and she's been releasing them every year since her NMB graduation. These are all new Instagram pics with the top ones being from an event yesterday for the calendar.

 Like those above pics of Nana viewing her February 26th Flash spread, shame there's only six pages of pics and we really need so many more spreads featuring her. Least the pics all rate an A++++ and the second one guarantees a sleepless night....

 The new calendar is more than just pages featuring dates as there's also many pages of regular pics but wish there was another PB from her, to date Nana's only had two perfect books.

 It's okay to let your imagination run away with you viewing those bottom two pics, know mine has many times....

 On March 9th Nana held a fan greeting session for the calendar book at the 1st bookstore in Shinjuku. The event was sold out as she still has many long time fans and makes me wonder why she's never released any solo singles over the years? Nana is like most Idols as she does dress a bit more classy and conservative at events but she still looked like few trillion yen to me. There's many gravure videos on YT that are worth viewing, not just for her swimsuit scenes but she is such a funny and interesting person. Won't have one of them for today as many have already been posted but following these event pics have a video of it. Plus at the event she mentioned she'd like to be married when she hits thirty which means I better get a move on....

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