Saturday, October 26, 2019

Bae Suzy: Few recent happenings....

 Don't know what's been going on with my fave Korean actresses, have only done three posts for them the past two months and a pair of them have been for Suzy. There are so many I really like and want to post about them but seems almost all of them have disappeared off the face of the Earth. Been like that for longer than two months which is such a shame as I to me Korean actresses are more attractive than most of the ones from Japan but think only three will make this year's top twenty list.
 Suzy will make it easily and is battling to keep her spot in the top five. Will have two more preliminary posts this Wednesday and she actually may drop one spot. It's not that I like Suzy any less than I did a month ago but there's two huge faves who have been unstoppable lately. However it'll be close to two months when the #5 position comes up so she still has an excellent chance of moving back up, November and December seem to be busier months for Korean actresses with all of their award shows.

 Last Suzy post was five weeks ago, she hasn't been too busy since then but there could be over fifty new pics for today and she remains near the top of my list for hottest woman in the world. Have been taking a break from Korean dramas, currently am watching four Japanese shows. But will be viewing her "Vagabond" series once it finishes up and think there's two more weeks to go, these are some new pics from the show's site.

 Suzy does do quite a bit of modeling but not for as many companies as I thought. K2 is one of them and she's been a model for them seemingly forever, these are for their Winter collection.

 More new Suzy pics for Dashing Diva.

 For the last few years Suzy has released a mini photobook called 'Seasons Greetings'. No clue if she'll have one this year but the pics in them are naturally superb and these are from 2018.

 Just one Suzy mag spread for today but it's a huge one from the October issue of Marie Claire.

 At the end of September Suzy was in Paris for a Dior fashion show and their 2020 collection.

 Even better event pics to end things off. Today Suzy was at a Lancome special photo session for a new product promotion at the COEX K-Pop square in Samsung-dong, Seoul. Plenty of terrific pics from the event which is followed by a video that I hope doesn't get deleted.

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