Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Sayaka Tomaru: 2019 Magazine scans #3....

 Here's a big fave of mine who hasn't had a post in seemingly eons, May 6th to be exact. For the past three years Sayaka has been one of my top five gravure models and she is one bodacious woman but also such an attractive one. But the year 2019 has been so slow for her, she was in a film that came out earlier this year and was in one mini drama but that's been about it. This is her sixth post of the year though which makes her eligible for this year's top twenty faves list. On the last preliminary post she made her first entry on the list in the 19th position.
 Have checked on Sayaka's activities for the past 3-4 months and there's been very few of them, no events plus rarely has posted any pics on her blog. She has been one of the busiest gravure models the past three years so perhaps she felt a break was merited and really hope she's back from that break as there are a pair of new mag spreads for today. There's also three others that are a few months old and bet Sayaka had those photo shoots before her mini hiatus.

 On September 26th Sayaka celebrated her 23rd birthday, she's been around so long you thought she'd be few years older. Before she became a model she was a member of the Idol group FYT, their songs were okay but they didn't have a long career. A one dimensional post for today as all there is are five mag spreads but there are quite a few pics plus Sayaka looks so scrumptious as usual. Have been holding on to these first three for a little while hoping for more variety of things which never happened, leading off then is this small set from the May 10th issue of Friday.

 Sayaka did release a digital photobook in July so will have that coming up soon. Up next is this spread from the June 25th edition of Flash and quite often she's their cover girl.

 Actually there were two digital photobooks released in July, she's had a total of fourteen of them already! Third set for today is from WPB #28.

 On to the pair of new Sayaka spreads with these pics being from the October issue of Cyzo.

 Sayaka is once again the cover girl for today's final set which is from the October 22nd edition of Young Champion. She has so, so many gravure videos on YT and you can't go wrong viewing any of them, have a long one after the pics but it's recommended as she looks just so darn dazzling in it.

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