Sunday, January 5, 2020

Elaiza Ikeda: Her splendiferous fourth post....

 Just a heads up for you faithful viewers as I'm almost certain there won't be too many posts the next five days. The first week to ten days are the slowest time of the year for happenings, can do a post tomorrow but it's up in the air for the following days. But things should be getting back to normal next weekend as the first 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show of the year will be held. Plus a fave of mine has a film premiere and also the weekly magazines will once again be publishing so maybe the next few days could be a good time to check out some of the stupendous older posts.
 As the title says this is just Elaiza's fourth post ever and she's someone who flies under my radar though shouldn't. I like her immensely though there never seems to be a lot of things to post about her but there are many older things I could post about. Actually most of today's pics are a bit older as she's been kind of quiet the past few months but think she'll be at the upcoming TGC show so will work on another post for her. Elaiza though is very popular here so will make every effort to do many more posts for her. "Eren the Southpaw" was her latest drama, it's starting to be subbed so that's a show I've been interested in and will be checking it out. Hmmmm, no comment is needed.... gulp....

 Elaiza released her first official photobook back in April, have seen some pics from it and what a PB it is. But what I'd like to see is her in some sort of pictorial for WPB-Net or Sabra, bet a huge pic collection for one of those mags would rank near the top ones of all time. This was actually a spur of the moment post as I didn't want to have zero posts for today. There's really no new pics for this post but in the sense as none of them are from recent activities save for one mag spread though almost all of them are new for here. Elaiza doesn't do as much modeling work these days as she's been doing much more acting work. But years ago she did many kind of gravure modeling for swimsuits and lingerie such as these 2017 pics from Peach John.

 Elaiza's last post was in May and since then there's only been a pair of mag spreads but in future posts will be getting to the older ones that had been missed. This set is from the August 10th issue of WPB and has some outtake pics from her PB.

 Whew, that bottom pic should have many running for a cold shower! Bit of a conservative spread but the pics look oki doki from the October 16th edition of Anan.

 I really like this next set of pics which are from April 20, 2018. Elaiza was at the 10th Okinawa Film Festival where they had the first screening of her film "Room Laundering" which had it's official release on July 7th, may have some premiere pics in her next post.

 As terrific as those above pics are to me these beat them out. This fabulous batch is from the September 7th 'Tokyo Girls Collection' Autumn/Winter show and they leave me a bit speechless. Am on the TGC Twitter page and didn't see her name listed to appear at next weekend's show but there are so many models it's easy to overlook a few of them.... these pics can't be overlooked!!!!

  Even if she's not at the show there's another one taking place in February and will still have a post very soon regardless if she appears or not. Will end off with some ultra dazzling Elaiza pics and as mentioned at the top would love to see her in a huge pictorial for a magazine, what a truly underrated hot woman and she'll be turning 24 in April. After the amazing pics have a video from December 2018 that shouldn't be missed and it has over.... 41 million views!
EDIT: Wonder if I'm a bad luck charm for videos as after it's now gone from YT, grrrr.....

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