Monday, February 17, 2020

Nana Owada: Bomb-TV scans from December 2019

 Had wanted to hold on to this set for another day or two but seeing as how so little has been going on may as well have this incredible set today. Was just thinking of AKB and a few random thoughts about them, for instance how many members have gone through the '48' groups? Bet well over a thousand and the gals keep coming as they think it's a path to stardom but isn't the opposite more the norm? Honestly, besides a small handful how many members have become stars after they've left their '48' group? Not many and to me it'd make sense to remain in school or get some training as when so many members leave at the age of twenty or older they're not prepared to do much.
 Rino has definitely become a mega star, Yuki is still with AKB but think she'll be very popular for many years after her graduation. Few others began their post-AKB careers successfully but soon faded such as Yuko's so overall wonder where's the thrill in becoming just another face in the crowd which happens to 98% of the members.

 Nana though seems to have become more popular since AKB asked her to leave and she's a rarity in becoming more popular. She's still a young gal as Nana won't be turning 21 for another seven months but think she's got a potentially bright future, would like to see her do more acting gigs. But Nana does do regular modeling work these days plus her first photobook was a solid seller too.
 Just a few random thoughts to fill up the space and bet a few others may have had those thoughts too. Nice to see Nana doing well as she seems like a likable gal and there should be another post for her soon as I do have a pair of new mag spreads so that should happen in about two weeks. On to the pictorial which came out in December that are outtake pics from her Bomb magazine photo shoots. Thought this set was bigger than Nana's first set which was posted yesterday but they're both 58 pics though think the pics in this collection are much better.

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