Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Marie Iitoyo: There's just no stopping her mission to top this year's faves list....

 Think the next few days will be a bit busier for posts. Have about seven that are half done, waiting for a few new items to fill things out but would think a few of them I'll be able to finish. Also may have a few drama recaps, did just start a new Korean series last night and it's a genre I rarely watch or post about. Nogi's new drama is being subbed, first episode was done and if the second is will have a pair of posts so am hoping we can finally have a busy weekend for all of you faithful viewers.
 That title is correct as I would say at this moment Marie has taken over the top spot for this year's top twenty list. But there is a long way to go as she knows all too well, last year Marie was #1 for a few months before finishing in the fourth position. In a way I don't want her to finish first as that means she wouldn't be eligible for any more lists but then again Marie has been my number one for close to two years, others top her for short spells but I've been so crazy about her for a while.

 Least her posts have gotten a bit more popular but still can't believe none of Marie's 62 posts up until now have hit the top ten for most views. Last year a record was set as Marie had a post for ten straight weeks, she's on another roll now as this is now four weeks in a row with a post. Quite a few pics, almost all are new for here but there's not that many from current activities. With this slowdown thought it'd be a good time to post older pics which I seldom have time to do plus there's no one in this world I enjoy posting about more. Just about every post has new pics from the Oggi site, these have all been added to their site in the last eight days.

 Back in January had a post that included some very old pics from the Soccer Game King site, finally have the rest of those pics.

 As most know all public events have been cancelled/postponed in Japan and Korea, for some of my faves it does affect them. Marie could be #1 in that category as it seems she attended two a month so always had twenty or so of those pics in her posts. There's a 'Girls Award' show coming up in May which is the biggest fashion show of the year but don't know if that's still going to be held. There's also a 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show scheduled for April 25th, don't know the status of that either but their previous show was held in an empty stadium. So seeing as there's no event pics let's go back in time to May 19, 2019 and the 'Girls Award' Spring/Summer show.

 Marie always looks so super duper to me at those fashion shows, after the above one she did an interview with the Walker Plus site.

 More interview pics which are very old and are from October 2016. These are from the Emmary site and was for her "Closest Love To Heaven" film that came out four months later. Forgot all about the movie which is one I've wanted to view and never have, need to change that status immediately.

 Marie's next drama will be the fourth season of "Kaseifu no Mitazono" which begins on April 24th. Did some checking and as far as I can tell the series will be airing so they must have completed most of the filming. She wasn't in the previous three seasons, did view the first one which was a fairly decent show. Mentioned above how fabulous Marie looks at fashion shows, she also does wearing a yukata and these are brand new pics form the Suzunoya site. But here's just three pics for now, at the site they said there will be many more coming up very soon.

 Will end off with more tremendous Marie kimono pics which are from the Hakama site. They originally came out in the Summer of 2018 but they had been missed back then. But the company has revived these pics as they were just added back to their main site this month, many more besides these. Following the pics is a video from the photo shoot that came out about a year ago but as mentioned most of the pics came out in 2018.

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