Sunday, August 16, 2020

"Furo Girl" drama: Episode two recap

 Air Dates: July 15th until August 20th, five episodes at the time of this recap have aired. It's  
on TV-Tokyo Wednesday nights at 12:58 am, subs have been done by 'Salaryman Subs'.

Main Cast: This is correct as there's only two characters and really it's mainly just Hinako who is on screen close to 100% of the time. When she interacts with her best friend it's always by video on their cellphones and it could be because of the virus.

Hinako Sakurai as Sayoko Oyumino.... 25 year old OL(supposedly) who is overly obsessed with taking baths! Seems she has only one friend in the world and spends all of her time alone which is fine by her as taking baths is more important than being around humans! The narration is also done by Sayoko as we rarely hear her talk out loud.

Sakurako Konishi as Aino Hiyama.... Sayoko's only friend and she's man crazy, though she has a boyfriend he ignores her and she's always on the hunt for another. The pair went to an unnamed college together.

 As I mentioned in the first recap just learned this is a six episode series which actually may be a wise decision. Have viewed four shows and while all are fine it could be a bit tiring watching someone go through these 'bath rituals' for 10-12 episodes. It's also good because I have so many dramas to get through, have five(!) I'm viewing at the moment and it'll take a while to get to them all plus there's another one that just finished I want to watch. That top screenshot was quite hilarious as Sayoko was dreaming of someone making a CD just having the sounds of bathwater running!!!!

 Those 'Ten Rule's Sayoko is mentioning are for her best friend Aino who said at the end of the previous episode she too wanted to be a 'bath connoisseur'. However that was just her blabbering as Aino just wants to stick to baths and it was a shame we never did see what those rules were. Sayoko was a bit dejected after her hard work but soon that would turn into glee as she heard a knock at her small apartment's door. There was a deliveryman with a package from the Dogo Onsen(hot springs) located in Ehime prefecture, did she actually leave her residence for a vacation?

 Sayoko had entered a contest with the first prize being a voucher for a free trip but if she won the prize why is the package so huge? Sayoko jumped to the conclusion perhaps it was a thousand vouchers for free trips(!) and quickly opened the box with the deliveryman looking on in amazement. To her disappointment in the package were about fifty Mandarin oranges but that down moment soon turned to euphoria as you can see in the above screenshot. With these oranges perhaps Sayoko could create a new 'potion' for her bath! Actually it could be for the whole year as the deliveryman proceeded to bring more boxes crammed with oranges, seven of them in all as the third prize Sayoko won was for an orange a day for a year.

 So naturally what's on tap for Sayoko is a 'fruit bath' but not just with the oranges but many other fruits she purchased. She explained how to cut the fruits up and what they did for your skin, the show's site has the recipes for her creations whether it's for food or the bath. It's getting closer to bath time but of course Sayoko was interrupted by a call from her best mate Aino who must call her ten times a day. This call is when she told Sayoko she had no intention of being a 'bath master' like she is but called to invite her to a social gathering. Sayoko was clueless on what Aino was talking about as it seems Sayoko has never been on a date and have the impression she never has.

 But Aino told Sayoko she should begin taking pics and videos of her baths as she works so hard on them. Sayoko doesn't know much about social media but decided to give it a try and she took many pics of her figurines and what she was putting in her heavenly baths. Jumping ahead a bit but the video she uploaded became very popular with over a 100,000 views in an hour which stunned Sayoko but she's someone who won't become addicted to doing that on a full time basis. It's bath time as you can see above, it's not a creation like the first episode's was but instead Sayoko put the chopped fruit in the bath which came out quite impressive.

 This is a drama where it's often easier to let the screenshots to the talking and as you notice what a glorious time Sayoko had in her 'fruit bath'. She also said taking it 'Who am I talking to?' as she says that twice an episode as most of the dialogue is narrated by Sayako. As you can also see can't let good fruit go to waste and Sayoko used the remains and a bottle of wine she had to make a pitcher of Sangria. But with seven boxes of oranges Sayoko better get more wine to make many more gallons! She would have but in the final seconds lying in bed she said she gave the remaining oranges to her neighbors, guess one 'fruit bath' was enough.

 Bet viewers are enjoying these much shorter recaps and so am I. An episode is 25 minutes in length so this ended up being half of what a recap would be for a 45-50 minute show which makes sense. Just the two posts for today but have viewed four episodes and every one gets just a tad better, will get to the remaining four once the final show is subbed. Hinako is one of my fave actresses and has been superb as usual, do recommend this show, especially if you like very odd and quirky shows. They're my faves plus it airs at 12:58 am and to me shows after 11:00 pm are just so much better than prime time ones.

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