Thursday, August 20, 2020

Nao Kanzaki: 2020's 'Top Twenty Faves' preliminary list #1, positions sixteen to nine....

Why not start off with Mai as she's celebrating her 28th b-day today which is August 20th though did do a post for the occasion three days ago. Right above is a link to her YT channel which she opened today. As I'm writing this up she's doing a live broadcast and at the moment she's cutting her b-day cake but the audio isn't working properly. Perhaps it will later as I'm writing this up twelve hours before it's published and right now there's close to 220,000 fans viewing it.

 On to the more important thing which is the second preliminary list of this year's faves. Of course Mai is always important but for now she's not on the list which currently has sixteen as the heading says. Try to have twenty faves for any kind of list I do but thinking this year it may include just sixteen. The criteria is the same as last year which is you need six posts and be 21+ in age though have tweeked it a bit as Idols and Korean actresses just need 250 pics as doing solo posts for them is much more difficult, the first gal on the list is the only one it benefited.

 As of today 25 have hit the mark of six posts, four only need one or two more to qualify. But of those 25 four are ineligible, two because they were prior winners for a year and two because they're just twenty in age. But just because someone has six posts doesn't mean they'll appear on the list, it's true that I like them or they wouldn't have so many posts but on the other hand just don't consider them worthy enough at the moment to have a spot.

EDIT: Didn't bring it up it in these two posts but briefly a yearly list is what you've done for the year. It's different from the all time list as for instance Mai is a bigger fave of mine except for two of the gals on the list but it's been a quiet year to date for her so she's not on the list as mentioned. 

 Will continue those thoughts in part two which is the following post. The first list was done eight weeks ago and from that list three faves have dropped off. But that could be just for the time being as there's still three months to go before I compile the final one. Reason for them dropping off for now is because of them being a bit inactive the past two months. Above is Sayoko who was on the verge of being my top gravure model but hasn't had a post since May but have a feeling she'll be back for the third and final preliminary list which I'll do in two months. Another person was Park Eun-Bun who I simply adore but she do hasn't been seen here for a while, currently just have two actresses from Korea on the list but am hoping to have at least one more.

 Will keep this list simple, first time around had links to a post of their's but won't be doing so this time. As was the case for the first time will also be working backwards from sixteen to number one to build up the suspense(?!).  Nana is a fave of mine and was extremely popular here for so long. Say was as the views for her posts have gone way down and not sure why. She's someone who does have six posts yet to me she just doesn't have what it takes to make the list or at least for now.

 #16.... Kyoko Saito, unranked the last time

 As mentioned there was a new rule implemented this year for Idols as it's hard for the vast majority of them to have six solo posts. So 250 pics in their posts and group ones will make a person eligible which is the case for Kyoko but it should be a moot point soon as I expect her to have a pair of them next month, she currently has four solo posts. Just did one for her yesterday so not much more to add in about her but after a long gap think a few Hina posts will be appearing in September.

 #15.... Kazusa Okuyama, moved up one spot from the first list

 Three gravure models made the list for now which is more than usual but one reason is because they do more than just dressing skimpy. Kazusa has been a huge fave of mine for over two years but for some reason hasn't become a massive one and can't quite put my finger on why. She's also quite popular with you viewers as her posts have the second highest average of anyone this year.

 #14.... Yume Hayashi, new to the list

 The second of the three new additions and also the second of three gravure models. But as I said above all of the models do more than dressing skimpy and to me Yume is also one smart woman who worked as an OL for a while. I've always liked her tremendously but this is the first year she's had a decent amount of posts, she still needs one more to qualify but that won't be a problem. She's good friends with the gal in the ninth position who is my current #1 gravure model but then again....

#13.... Yui Imaizumi, sixth on the first list

 As you can see it was quite a tumble in positions, seven spots and only the next person went down more. Two weeks ago Yui was diagnosed with the virus but it's nothing major and she should be back to work shortly. That had nothing to do with her dropping down the list and it's because she hasn't had a post for at least three months. She hasn't had a mag spread during that time nor been at any events, she really hasn't done much of anything but perhaps a break was needed as she was the busiest of all my faves for so long. However there have been some new pics that have come out from the 'Peach John' site and am really hoping a few posts will be coming up soon.

 #12.... Jin Se-Yeon, drop of eight positions from the first post

 Not an honor being the person to have the biggest drop in the rankings but could that mean there's no place to go but up? It's both of our faults for the drop, mine because I hadn't been thinking of her too much and wasn't checking for new activities. It's also Se-Yeon's fault too as she hasn't been that busy recently and did just check for anything current and there hasn't been much going on. But am making  a promise to myself to work on some posts after the mini break and all of the gals I post about would put her in the top five for being the most attractive.

 #11.... Mio Imada, no change from the first list

 To me Mio is one of the most alluring faves I post about but have a suspicion she'll always end up being ranked between eighth and eleventh. Last year she was ninth on the list and she could hit that spot again, as I said in her post for last year's list the competition seems to be getting tougher which is why she'll probably always be around this spot. She has become such a huge fave of you viewers as her posts have an average of almost 700 views which is fourth for the year.

#10.... Yui Kobayashi, also tenth on the first list

 You could pencil in Yui for remaining in this position for the final list. I do like her so, so much and she was my #1 for the first three months of the year. But with Keya's inactivity it does affect their members as she's just had one post in 2 1/2 months. But with their new single coming out tomorrow and with a TGC show in two weeks am expecting the amount of posts for her to pick back up or at least am hoping so.

#9.... Nashiko Momotsuki, no change from the first list

 Kind of odd how these last three positions didn't change from the first preliminary list. Guess that's a good thing they didn't drop but on the other hand it also means they haven't done enough the past two months to move up. Nashiko has been my top gravure model for a while but she's also increased her amount of acting roles. She's someone who you don't hear from for a few months and then all of a sudden there's five breathtaking spreads which I hope are just around the corner.

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