Thursday, September 10, 2020

Ayaka Miyoshi: Yet another overdue post but featuring the top mag spread for 2020!!!!.... or of all time....

 Those two above pics are from the spread and it's no exaggeration saying it's easily the top one for 2020 and possibly forever! Ayaka has done her fair share of gravure spreads in the past but they've been too far and few between. Don't know how many remember me saying it but bet it's been 25+ times where I've said Ayaka is among my top five hottest women of all time and with this spread she may be knocking on the door for #1. She's made my top twenty list three out of the last four years but she kind of fell out of favor to me for a long time.

 Ayaka still made last year's list finishing in the 12th position but she should have been much higher than that. Started to become a bit 'bored' with Ayaka's pics back then, especially the ones modeling or in mag spreads. She was going for this 'arty' look or whatever the term is for models, that's not a look I'm into at all and began not paying attention to her as this is the first post for her in eleven months. But a while back Ayaka crept back in my mind and thought she really needed to become active here again. Know many viewers will be happy too as her posts have always been among the most popular ones and will have another within a week.

 That next post will be coming up soon as I have four more mag spreads for 2020 besides the four for today. Will also have some modeling pics, more from this TGC show and hopefully a few other things. Ayaka over the years has often taken a long break say of four or so months, she may have ten posts in a six month stretch then zero in the other six.
 But she has a new drama beginning in two weeks and I'll check it out as I miss seeing her on the screen, she also has a film coming out on November 6th so this is that busy stretch I referred to. Saturday she made an appearance at the Autumn 'Tokyo Girls Collection' show and it may have been her first event since January but that was the case for many others. She made a second stroll on the catwalk and will have those pics in that next post.

 Very simple post as besides the above will just have those mag spreads and didn't want to use up all of the pics as I'd like more than one more post after this. Did mention how I kind of didn't like the way Ayaka's modeling pics were becoming as they were too 'arty'(?) plus a bit on the diva side. But all of her sets for this year are like her older ones which were always terrific. Have a pair of mini sized spreads from Elle, these are from their February issue.

 Other Elle set is from their April edition, she's been an exclusive model for so many sites but think it's down to one these days.

 That site Ayaka is still a model for is 25ans which is actually a wedding magazine. Ayaka has been their main model for at least three years and appears in just about every one of their issues. Will have more of them in her next post and this set from their January edition.

 Main reason for this post is this undescribable spread from the September 16th issue of Anan, they don't have as many spreads in this vein as other mags but they've had the top sets from the past few years. Bit speechless on how utterly perfect and alluring Ayaka is in this set, she's a very tall woman and most of the time they're not overly bodacious. Checked and sadly it's not a preview of a photobook and she's gone four years without one, she turned 24 in age back on June 16th. Following the pics is a short video from the photo shoot, have run out of adjectives for Ayaka....


  1. In a BIG coincidence, i JUST finished watching "Atami No Sousakan" from 2010 and was QUITE TAKEN by the young Ayaka, and even wondered what she was UP to lately!!!! Now I know!
    Really grew up into a gorgeous woman!!!

  2. That's one show I haven't seen though have seen her in a few others. Ayaka seems like a decent actress but like a few others who are talented she's picked some bad shows to be in. However her movies are decent and she's had the lead role in the last two she's appeared in. She will be in a show beginning in two weeks, will do another post by then with info about it.

    As I mentioned Ayaka is one of my all time hottest women and not far from being #1. Surprised you haven't mentioned her in some posts and am referring to Airi Matsui who has been you 'crush of the day' twice(?)> Those two may have the closest friendship of any actresses and they first met in an old J-Pop group called Sakura Gakuin. They may be the tallest friends too as both their heights are 171 cm.
