Friday, September 18, 2020

"Do You Like Brahms?" drama: Episode's eleven and twelve recap

 Air Dates: August 31st until October 20, 2020  Monday and Tuesdays at 10:00 pm on SBS
Ratings for these two episodes, 4.5 and 5.6%

Main Cast: The college referred to is Seoryeong University, a very prestigious music school though it does have many other programs.

Park Eun-Bin as Chae Song-Ah.... 'Chae' sounds quite a bit like the Korean word for sorry and she constantly has to tell others it's her real name. Song-Ah is 29 and graduated from the university at 22 with a business degree. However she hasn't had a steady job since then as her first love was playing the violin. After four attempts she was finally accepted into the school's musical program, she's finished three years yet is still not a very accomplished player.

Kim Min-Jae as Park Joon-Young.... He's an award winning pianist and the same age as 
Song-Ah. He too graduated from Seoryeong University and for many years has been touring the world performing concerts. He's a very respected pianist yet has returned to the university for their graduate program but see no reason why.

Lee You-Jin as Yoon Dong-Yun.... Friend of Song-Ah's and went out briefly with Min-Seong. We didn't see him in this first episode as he was in Italy but has just returned in this show. He owns a violin shop though doesn't play much these days.

Bae Da-Bin as Kang Min-Seong.... Song-Ah's best friend who is going to the same college, she's getting her Masters in Chemistry.

Park Ji-Hyun as Lee Jung-Kyung.... She's just returned from America where she tried so hard to become a professor of music at some colleges but failed. She's a violinist whose mother died when she was fourteen, she's been semi-dating Hyun-Ho though she secretly wishes to be with Joog-Young

Kim Seong Cheol as Han Hyun-Ho.... He too has just returned from America and is a talented cello player. He's best friends with Joon-Young and has been dating Jung-Kyung but he's more serious about their relationship than she is.

Lee Ji-Won as Kim Ha-Nae....Also a violinist who is seven years younger than Song-Ah but both have just started at a Summer internship for the Kyunghoo Foundation.

Seo Jung-Yeon as Cha Young-In.... Manager of Song-Ah and Ha-Nae at the foundation.

Choi Dae-Hoon as Park Sung-Jae.... Employee at the foundation.

Ahn Sang-Ein as Jung Da-Woon..... Another foundation employee

Ye Soo-Young as Na Moon-Sook.... Director of the Kyunghoo Foundation and whose daughter died in 2006 who was the mother of Jung-Kyung.

Yoon Chan-Young as Seung Ji-Min.... Very talented younger popular pianist
  Once again the ratings for these two shows translated to a little over a million viewers. Thought I was going to add in a character named Lee but will wait until that role gets a bit larger. In the first screenshot below are two people I've never mentioned though do try to have a fair amount of screenshots for them. Their character names though have always been on the above list, on the right below is Jung-Sae who has worked at the foundation for many years and is quite good at his job.

 On the left is Jung Da-Woon who is also an employee at the foundation and those two are excellent teammates. She's played by Ahn Song-Ein who is such an adorable woman and would love to do a post for her which may prove difficult to do. But will be working on one, she's thirty in age yet never appeared in a drama until last year plus doesn't have a page yet.

 That's Lee in the second screenshot, she's Song-Ah's professor at Seoryeong University but to date has her ranked at the bottom of the class! So it was a shock to Song-Ah when Lee told her that she should continue training and apply for the school's Master's program which Song-Ah will look into. But there is an alternative motive for Lee as she's trying to get closer to people who may. know Joon-Young and others in his elite class. Lee had been told by a retiring professor she needed to know more of the 'right people' but would Song-Ah be considered one? Not much was heard about this possibility for the rest of the recap along with a few other issues which we should be hearing about as time goes on, remember there's still twenty shows to go.

 If you read the previous recap you'll remember the brutal way Jung-Kyung broke off her engagement with Hyun-Ho. As much as viewers have disliked her up until now that level of hatred will surely increase. She's been asked to be a judge for an audition to see who may qualify for a Kyunghoon Foundation grant, Jung-Kyung really had no say in the matter has she was forced into it by her grandmother. But also at the audition as a judge was Hyun-Ho and it's the first time the pair have seen each other since that fatal night. As far as Jung-Kyung goes she hopes it's the last time she has to be in his presence but it also gave her the opportunity to reveal to everyone that their relationship was a thing of the past and as you can see above in the screenshots Jung-Kyung is such a ruthless person. She also announced to the foundation's office director Cha that the trio she was supposed to be performing in is now disbanded with the other two having no say.

 One of the trio was Hyun-Ho who couldn't believe his ears at the barbs Jung-Kyung was saying about him. He was the second of the trio and the third person was to be Joon-Young who knows nothing about his friends breaking up. Here's a thought which hadn't occurred to me until a moment ago. In that trio Jung-Kyung was to be the violinist, without one the two men can't perform so what I'm wondering will Song-Ah be invited to take her place? Bet the odds are good on that, though she's not nearly as talented as a violinist Song-Ah does deserve a few breaks for her endless practicing plus for the way she's helped so many others out without any thanks. One other thing that wasn't mentioned in these shows was about Hyun-Ho applying to be a professor at Seoryeong University, he'd probably make for a good teacher and does have the backing of the foundation director Na.

 Not going in the exact order events happened but trying to combine them. Such as the above screenshots which first had to deal with Joon-Young and the director Na. Briefly brought up in the last show how bad Joon-Young's finances are and he's much poorer than we or he imagined. He's at a loss on how he could perform 100+ concerts every year since 2013 yet still have only $3,800 to his name?! While it's true he has been bailing his family out shouldn't there have been a few more zeros in his bank account? Recently Jung-Young has been getting some calls from his mother but he hadn't been responding. He knows she just wants money as his father for years has been a fiscal disaster and unsure if he's lost money starting businesses or through investing. Joon-Young finally did answer a call from his mother, naturally she needed money but he explained he just doesn't have the funds but will do what he can.

 Shortly after is when he noticed someone had deposited $20,000 into his account, it had been from the director Na. Joon-Young went to her mansion curious about why she would do such a thing she said it was a fee for the recital he just did for an inspiring young violinist. Joon-Young really didn't want to accept the 'gift' but was left with no choice but before the discussion could continue a tragedy struck. Na had collapsed against a wall, her health has been going down hill but don't know exactly why though she is an elderly woman. Joon-Young rushed her to the hospital and all is well for now, there he met Jung-Kyung but couldn't bring himself to talk with her. Now that the situation was under control
Joon-Young began to head home but who should be meet there but his mother!

 Joon-Young's mother seems to be a nice lady and one who I think works as a waitress. Don't think any of the family's financial problems have been due to her and she's hated to ask her son for cash. The last request was for $20,000 and of course Joon-Young figured it was to once again bail out his father. But he learned at the hospital that his mother has been quite ill and was too ashamed to tell her son why she really needed the money. Joon-Young's mother has a burst blood vessel in her head which has been causing her such severe problems. When Joon-Young heard about the problems he said not to worry about the cost of the operation which of course was $20,000. Think Na knew about the mother's condition which is one reason for her giving Joon-Young the money. But what he was furious about was that his mother couldn't be honest on why she needed the money, that fury doubled when she confessed that Jung-Kyung has also been sending the family money.

 The operation was a success and least there was one bright spot in this recap. To blow off a bit of steam Joon-Young visited his best friend Hyun-Ho who was working at his parent's store. This is when he learned of the breakup between Hyun-Ho and Jung-Kyung, also that for now their trio that was to perform at a foundation anniversary event has been disbanded. The store was busy so Joon-Young bid farewell but shortly after called Jung-Kyung demanding some answers. She had been drowning her sorrows at a local elite bar but was near his apartment building, could she pop up to visit him? Yes was the answer but Joon-Young was just leaving Hyun-Ho's store, he'll meet her at his place. He gave her the security code which was 0715 which happens to be the death date of Jung-Kyung's mother. But upon arriving there Jung-Kyung had fled the scene a few minutes prior, that was because she had found some notes he had been writing to Song-Ah and her jealousy drove her away in a rage.

 Haven't discussed Song-Ah too much as she didn't have as much screen time until the last ten or so minutes or at least not as much important screen time. While it's true she now has a friendship with Joon-Young it's not one that's meaningful enough. For a while Joon-Young did reveal some of his problems and such to Song-Ah but not these days. She's kind of down about that as doesn't he consider Song-Ah to be a close and helpful friend? She did say that to him and also to her office mates at the foundation. That took place at a mini party as the internship for Song-Ah and Ha-Nae has come to it's end. Time is really flying as it was just mid July in the last pair of recaps, now it must be late August as Song-Ah is beginning her senior year at Seoryeong University.

 After the party Song-Ah went home by herself and hope we'll continue to see the characters who worked with her. Song-Ah was passing by Joon-Young's apartment building and pondered on whether to visit. Before she could make a decision rushing out of the building was Jung-Kyung and said why a bit earlier. Joon-Young couldn't make Song-Ah's farewell party as he was with someone, that person was Hyun-Ho but naturally Song-Ah deduced it was actually Jung-Kyung after seeing her leave. That's what Song-Ah did and just a few seconds after Joon-Young returned to his apartment but of course was unseen by Song-Ah. After that incident Song-Ah avoided Joon-Young at all costs but couldn't one day at college where he's going for his Masters and still don't know why he would need it. The two finally meeting up is what ended this pair of shows and will probably begin off the next pair.

 Still a fine pair of shows though perhaps not as solid as the first ten, a bit of decrease on the musical side was a factor. But all Korean dramas seem to have a slow stretch near the mid way point and we've almost hit that. Still think 24 or 28 episodes would be better so as not to have less interesting shows but this is still one of the top dramas I've viewed this year and positive it'll rebound very soon. Should have the recaps for episodes 13-16 about this same time next week.


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