Thursday, November 19, 2020

Ayami Nakajo: Is trying to do the impossible and become.....


.... eligible for this years faves list! Thought I had the 27 gals finalized that would be eligible a week ago though have to have one post for someone tomorrow to make her qualify. This is Ayami's fifth post of the year but third in a ten week stretch, this Summer was such a slow time for her. When I say impossible it's because she'll need a post by Saturday night and the odds are probably a hundred to one it'll happen. But you never know and Ayami is a woman who has really grown on me the past year, would like to see her get that sixth post of the year but if she doesn't that's still okay. An actress/model like Ayami is one who does well on my lists, realize there's so many more posts for Idols and gravure models but in a way prefer gals like her.

 At 46 pics this isn't a large post but have been trying to cut down on the size of them in order to have more posts and been doing a somewhat okay job at that. So the odds are definitely not in Ayami's favor to make this year's list but think for 2021 it many be a different story. She'll be playing the the lead role in the drama "Love You As The World Ends" which will actually have two seasons. First one will be starting in January, it'll be for ten episodes and shortly after that ends season two will begin with six shows, don't know why they couldn't have combined the two. Ayami's co-star is another huge fave of mine, so huge she's going to be this year's #1!!!! So am expecting many things for the drama such as an event, mag spreads, interviews and such so that'll give her a good start at getting six posts for 2021.

 Ayami hasn't been in enough dramas the last five years and think this is her first starring role in a major one. But she usually has the lead role in films and that's the case for her latest one titled "Flight on the Water" which had it's premiere last Friday. She's made the rounds doing interviews for the film and these are from the Mainichi site.

 More superb interview pics which are from a few sites as she was dressed the same so just combined them.

 Ayami is semi popular here, of course not at the level of Idols or other models but more so than most other actresses. Bit surprising as she's never done any gravure spreads and would highly doubt if she ever will but that's one reason for liking her so much. She often has the cover of a mag and has the honor for this way too mini set from the November 24th issue of SPA!.

 That mag always has small spreads which is as shame as their pics are usually good ones. Ayami has been a long time model with the CanCam magazine, she doesn't do as much modeling work these days. Three pages here from their November issue while the other five are for December.

 "Flight on the Water" had it's premiere November 13th at the Shinjuku Wald 9. You can see in the two posters what the film is about and perhaps filming the movie is why we didn't hear from Ayami too often for such a long stretch this year. There's many videos for the event but instead after the pics will have a new Ayami CM for Kate. There's been at least five that have come out in the last week and most are worth a view.


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