Monday, November 2, 2020

Minami Hamabe: "Talio Fukushu Daiko no Futari" drama episode three recap


 Air Dates: October 9th until November 20, 2020 on NHK... Friday nights at 10:00 pm
Title roughly translates over to Eye for an Eye Revenge Agency's Two People
Subs for this series are being done by aoinousagi at DA

Main Cast: Just two characters for this first show but may add in Mami's father in later

Minami Hamabe as Mami Shirasawa.... Twenty year old lawyer which may seem hard to believe. Mami never attended a regular college but passed the difficult 'Bar Exam Preliminary Test' which seems to be the same as a law degree. She's working at the Armstrong Law Firm but is the lowest on the totem pole and doesn't have the respect of her co-workers yet, especially Kogure.

Masaki Okada as Kensuke Kuroiwa..... Runs the Kuroiwa agency which is a shady operation that scams those down on their luck which is how he met Mami. However he's quite an intelligent man who appears to know more about how the law works than she does.

 Guest Stars:

    Rin Furukawa as Haruka Yamamura....  Young daughter of the next character who hired the 'revenge team' to find out why her father killed himself.

Masaki Miura as Takaya Yamamura.... Father of the above who had thrown himself in front of a train four months prior, were his bosses to blame?

Kinuwo Yamada as Hiromi Yamamura.... Wife of the above deceased man.

Satoshi Jinbo as Taichi Kamikawa.... Immediate supervisor of Takaya Yamamura and the pair had been close friends for many years.

Mitsuru Karahashi as Tomonari Hasabe.... CEO of the Platformer tech company which is where Yamamura and Kamikawa were employed.... he's not a nice boss.

Links to previous episodes, of course there's just one for now:

 Let's hope the writing of this recap won't be torture like the previous one was(it wasn't), can't understand why I had such a hard time writing it up. Perhaps it was because the story was a bit complicated due to so many chemical and scientific words which I'm not so hot at. While the first two shows were enjoyable they weren't must watches but this episode was easily the best. It begins off with Mami lying in a hospital bed and didn't know why. But she quickly remembered and soon after that the next 15-20 minutes were a flashback of what led up to her being in the hospital.

 What landed Mami to spend a night in a hospital was a glass of wine she chugged, more about that coming up. Seems her and Kensuke's 'revenge agency' is getting a solid reputation as for the second show in a row someone in distress came looking for help. Their new client is an awfully young girl, about ten to be exact and her name is Haruka. Four months prior her father Yamamura ended his life by throwing himself in front of a train and Haruka wants answers! She felt her father had been bullied at his job which he had begun less than a year before his death. Yamamura's personality had changed and he had become quite depressed, so much that even such young girl couldn't help to notice. Naturally a young girl wouldn't have much money, the initial fee for a case is 200,000 yen and seeing how she didn't have nearly enough Kensuke told her to try somewhere else.

 Mami though told him to hush and accepted the case, to her the main point with their cases should be to help the victim and not worry about making a large sum of money. She should know about being a victim as her father ten years ago had been been framed for a crime he didn't commit, shortly after he fled and then Mami's mother hung herself. Had thought we would be be seeing Mami trying to solve that mystery but she hasn't even started yet nor mentioned the incident, she better hurry as there's only four episodes left. First task was to head off to the tech company Platformer where Yamamura had been employed to find some answers but of course the people there wouldn't be so open. Mami knew that and pretended she was applying for a position in the legal office even though her license has been suspended. During the interview it turned into a case of her asking most of the questions which became about Yamamura that made the two interviewers quite uneasy.

 Just as they were about to end the interview because of that, which was taking place in the company's lobby, passing by was the CEO Hasebe. Mami rushed right up to him and immediately began probing the big boss who was actually impressed with her spunk and said to hire her! But when Mami's talk turned to Yamamura and his death Hasebe quickly fled the scene being guarded by his huge entourage. Also visiting Platformer unknown to Mami was Kensuke and to me may be the mastermind of the two. He knows which employees know most about a company and they're usually the secretaries as he became quite chummy with one. This woman was a temp employee whose contract may not be renewed, according to Kensuke they're the ones with the biggest mouths and he was right.

 Hasebe did give Mami the chance to talk with two of his leaders about Yamamura which went nowhere. That's because they quickly did some checking on her background and had found that Mami had been disbarred from being a lawyer which ended the meeting on the spot. After her departure is when she discovered Kensuke with the secretary and that pair is right above. Upon his return to the office Hasebe did talk with his subordinates about Mami, though she lacks credentials these days Hasebe is worried about what she may dig up and has ordered everyone to remain mum. That evening Kensuke brought his new 'flame' to a ritzy wine bar where Mami ended up too as she was tailing them. Alcohol and Mami are not a good match, on her 20th birthday she had one mug of beer and passed out. That's what happened to her after guzzling one glass of strong wine as she crashed to the ground unconscious.

 Needless to say Kensuke saw the commotion and rushed her to the hospital which is where this episode began. Though his talk with the secretary was cut short Kensuke did find a very key piece of info which is that Yamamura was very close to the head of the CPD department, Kamikawa. So he became the main focus of their investigation but of course at first he really couldn't say much due to Hasebe's orders. But he was a man who the pair thought could be broken down with time so until then Kensuke suggested visiting the mother of Haruka and find out why it was her who came to the office.

 The mother's name is Hiromi and she had almost all of the info the pair wanted to know. Her husband and Kamikawa had been best friends for a very long time and had worked together before Kamikawa began as a manager at Platformer. He told Yamamura that when the company became successful he would hire his best mate which is what happened, Yamamura had been a very skilled IT person. What made Mami and Kensuke quite suspicious of Kamikawa is what Hiromi said at the end of their meeting. Now that Yamamura is no longer around it's been hard for her to pay the bills, Kamikawa came to with an offer to work at Platformer under one condition and that's if she kept her mouth shut about her husband. 

 Of course being dead meant we didn't see Yamamura too often save for a few flashbacks, that's him above with Kamikawa on the left. Yamamura didn't leave a suicide note which Mami thought was very odd for someone so troubled, could he have left one on his laptop? His wife didn't know but said they could take Yamamura's laptop but nobody knew the password, even Kamikawa couldn't figure it out. 'Whoa!' said the pair, Kamikawa came and tried to find out what was on his old friend's laptop? Yes said Hiromi and that kind of clinched it for Mami that Kamikawa was involved in Yamamura's death and now it was up to them to prove it, only way would be was to figure out the password.

 Which of course Mami did and a talk with Haruka earlier that day is where she found it out. Haruka said her and father would secretly go out for some fancy crepes, Mami tried 'Harukacrepes' as a password and it was successful. She and Kensuke found what they were looking for as Yamamura did leave a note about why he was too distraught to keep on living. Platformer may appear to be doing very well profit wise but it's all been a scheme to lure investors in, when Yamamura learned of that he was torn on what to do. If he turned the company in Yamamura would also be implicating his best friend who he did confront about the matter but was told to keep his mouth shut. That's really what Yamamura should remained doing and don't know why he felt so guilty enough to end his life.

 With this solid piece of evidence the 'revenge team' met up with Kamikawa who at first wouldn't admit one thing. But guilt got to him too, especially when they told him Haruka was the person who hired them to avenge her father's death. The second time Mami and Kensuke met up with him was in Hasebe's office and he was furious with Kamikawa for not destroying the evidence. Before the pair had entered the office he went on a tirade where he related all of the details about his fudging the books to rope in investors, that was all caught on tape as Kamikawa was wearing a hidden mike. As the episode came to it's close Hasebe left his building still a free man but the press were all there as Kensuke had leaked the recording, he won't be free too much longer.

 Kind of like night and day, while the above recap was perhaps my most difficult one ever this one flew by but didn't write them up on the same day. So far it's been an enjoyable show though not a must watch, wish there was a bit more intensity which could happen if Mami began to find out the details of her father's disappearance. Will be back in about two weeks with the next pair of recaps, then there will just be two more shows left.

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