Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Sarii Ikegami: Without a doubt Nao's most....


 .... underrated alluring and hottest gal of all time! That's no new opinion for if you've read Sarii's other posts have always said that same thing and also have mentioned her hotness in a few list posts but always because she wasn't eligible. We all have that one woman who we kind of quietly swoon for and hopefully yours is one I post about. That one woman to me has been Sarii and she truly makes my temperature rise to a level never seen before. Hard to put it into words the reasons but sure some of you can say the same thing about others. There's definitely many women who are so more bodacious plus many of you may think she's a tad too thin but I wouldn't change one thing about her. In the physical sense that is, would like to change how few new activities she's been doing these days.

 Sarii's last post was in October and it was for her 25th birthday. In it think I mentioned if a list is ever done for my 'All Time Hottest Twenty Women' she would finish in the fifth position! Haven't wavered from that and the only reason Sarii wouldn't be in the second spot is because of the lack of pics plus she's never had a regular photobook. Actually she does have quite a few pics but most were from 2015-18, not many things going on for her the past two years. Could just do a post featuring her 'greatest pics' and that may be the top one of the year....

 So have been mentioning that 'hottest women of all time' list much more than usual lately. Mark this down as a 'Nao Promise' which is that one will be done by July or... when Sarii has her tenth post, she needs one more. That would be the requirement to be eligible, guess 21 in age who be another but bet most would be in the 25-30 years old range. First will do that second fave photobook list, think I said April is when it would be done. That post for my top ten of all time has been incredibly popular and why not as there's some fabulous pics plus links to some dazzling books. The second list will be of my top 25 which isn't too many as have posted about 300 regular photobooks.

 Don't know if you can tell but am kind of stretching this post out a bit as there's not many pics but it does give you the chance to view some sweltering ones or they are to me. Sarii's posts to date have been so-so popular, they've averaged 685 views per post which isn't a bad number. Of course that average pales to many others, especially Idols, but it does top almost every actress. And acting is what she is too besides a gravure model, have seen her in two dramas though her roles weren't too large. Quite a slow stretch it's been this past year, just two mag spreads and a handful of drama appearances.

 Enough of an intro and let's get to things, not a huge amount of pics but any time I can do a post for Sarii I jump at it. For this post there's no current pics as there hasn't been a spread for many months plus she seldom updates her Instagram page. As mentioned Sarii is 25 in age, when she was in the 17-19 years old range she won 3-4 swimsuit contests or new modeling competitions. Once of those competitions was for the DGC website which used to put out monthly pictorials but haven't seen any for a while, this is her first set of gravure pics which was for the site.

 As far as her figure goes there hasn't been much change in seven years but her face has become one of the most attractive ones of any woman. But gravure pics aren't all Sarii does as there were some regular modeling pics in her last post. Don't know how it happened but missed this pair of spreads, can't say I missed them as I've had them for a while but hadn't included them in a post. These are back to back Weekly Ascii issues from June 4th and 11th back in 2019.

 In Sarii's last spread had her spread from the April 2nd issue of Young Jump. But only had five of the pages when there were actually eight so here's the whole set.

 Young Jump is the mag she's appeared in the most and they also put out a mini photobook in 2017. In the above spread they were also promoting a mini web book which came out a few weeks later. Won't have the entire set for today but will save them for her tenth post but do have a few pics from the book for today and as I've been gushing about Sarii is just too hot to me to believe. At one time there were so many gravure videos on YT featuring her but almost all are now gone, glad I downloaded them. Did find one decent video but it's not the same version that I have, you can view it after these pics and what a batch of heart attack inducing ones they are....

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