Thursday, September 9, 2021

Rena Takeda: "Gerbera" mini photobook pics but not much else, sigh....


 Was actually planning on having this a Nogi post for a member but changed my mind at the last minute, perhaps will do it later on. These days a post for Rena has become a rarity, she did have one at the end of July for her 24th birthday but that had been her only one for 2021 until now. This is her 76th post and at one time thought Rena would easily have over a hundred but sadly that's probably not going to happen. As the title says this does contain a mini photobook as it only has forty pics plus there's only eight other newish ones as this has been the slowest stretch of her career.

 Try not to be negative but have to say 2021 has not been a good year for Rena and perhaps she did want to slow down. Back in January she 'graduated' as a Non-no model and while doing a few guest appearances hasn't had a regular role in a drama since March. Plus she's only had one decent sized mag spread for this year and they also were few and far between last year. The reason for that is two years ago Rena said she was 'retiring' from doing gravure spreads and photobooks, her final spread in that vein was in October 2019. Hard to say if Rena made the right decision but being a gravure model is what made her so popular. So now that she's quit doing those kinds of pics magazines have been shying away from her and will say I've missed doing posts for her.

 Know others have missed Rena posts as from 2017-19 she was the third most popular woman I posted about and that was determined by how many views her posts would get. So though kind of a smallish post when there's a chance on doing one for Rena do jump at the chance, have one tiny recent mag spread that's from the August 20th issue of Friday.

 So few Blog or Instagram pics/news from Rena the past few months so can't tell you what she's been up to. These are a few IG pics from the photo shoot for that mini new photobook.

 This mini PB also had the alternate title of "Rebeus", it came out on July 28th which was the day after Rena's 24th birthday. Big Comic Spirits released the book and have a video for this and her July mag spread after the pics. Rena does look good in this set of pics but am 100% certain her fans are yearning for a return to her more scantly clad ones....

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