Sunday, May 1, 2022

Mai Shinuchi: Her unsurpassable "Yoru ga Aketara" second photobook scans!!!!


 Don't know if others will agree but can't think of a better woman to begin a month off with! Of course I may be a bit biased as Mai could be my #1 Nogi member of all time but this is really one superb book which didn't get the sales it deserved. This book came out on January 20th which was two days before Mai's 30th birthday, sales in it's first week were 25,300 copies sold. That's an okay total but to date the sales are only a little above 35,000 and it should be so much higher than that. Two reasons for that and one is that I think fans were getting tired of members only having photobooks when they graduated and that's been the case since November 2020. The other reason may sound odd but it has to do with the promo pics for a book. I think they release too many ultra superb pics and when you get the book you've seen most of the really sweltering pics so perhaps not having so many promo pics would help though there's quite a few stellar pics in this book that haven't been posted yet.

 One minor problem with Nogi books compared to other '46' photobooks is the the voluptuousness of the photos. Will admit I do enjoy viewing the pics but so often the photos can go too far overboard with their bodaciousness and they're really not how a member truly looks. That's not the case with this book, Mai has a perfect figure to me but perhaps not one of a gravure model. So these pics didn't go overboard and they're kind of how she truly looks instead of how other members look too heavily enhanced if that makes sense..

 Mai graduated on February 10th and this is her fourth post since then, she's had nine since December which I think ties her for having the most since then. Been trying to have a post a month for Mai even though she left Nogi and have been successful with that. Could even have another post for her later on this month but may wait until June for Mai's next one to keep the streak of a post a month alive. She's been busy since leaving Nogi as she'll be in two upcoming stage plays and on April 10th began hosting a new radio show called 'SDGs Magazine'. So this is Mai's second and would think final photobook, her first one came out in November 2017. The photo shoots took place in Kanazawa as these days Idols stay in Japan for the shoots. There's a total of 122 pics and have one more recent Nogi book coming up. Always wait until at least three months have passed between a book's release and when I post the pics from it so may wait until June 1st for that other book which I bet fans will enjoy more.

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