Sunday, May 8, 2022

Risa Watanabe: Her crème de la crème post #56!!!!


 As I've said too often the last two years Sunday has become by far the most difficult day of the week to do a post. That's why you see so many photobook posts and that's what the next one is. So this post could have waited a week to be done and there will be another next weekend for her. But Risa is such a massive fave of mine that I really wanted to do another post for her, this makes five in 47 days. If I  had a Mount Rushmore of my fave women she'd be one of those four and it definitely saddens me that these posts will slow down drastically in about a month but of course will never stop....

 This is no birthday post but #24 will be taking place on July 27th. Time is really flying for shortly after that date is when I'll start on the second 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list. August will mark four years since the first list was done and that should be enough time between lists. Risa has never finished number one on any yearly list but did make it to the second spot in 2019. So it's hard to explain why but in a way I would consider her to be my #1 fave since 2019, the long stretch with no Keya singles or activities really hurt Risa's positions on the yearly lists but she's never finished lower than the seventh position all four years she's made the list. So while I wouldn't mind seeing Risa end up being number one on the all time list it's not going to happen but a runner up position is certainly possible.

 That bottom pic is an advance one from Risa's upcoming 'Memorial' photobook, had it been a regular book that may have propelled her to the top spot on the all time list. It's okay that it isn't going to be a book chockful of gravure pics and in a way it's more impressive that it isn't. A super duper interview came out two days ago with the Oricon site where she talked about the book and it was one of the best Idol interviews I've ever read. Risa came up with the theme to this book, chose the locations for the photos and from the way she explained it seemed have a hand in just about every decision about the book which has to be a first for an Idol. She mentioned how she would like to continue designing books in the future but that could be a hard field to break into but she does have so much experience doing photo shoots and such. These pics here are from the interview and have the link to it which I do recommend reading: Oricon interview

 Few more advance pics for the 'Memorial' photobook came out last week which is what this batch is. The photo shoot took four days, the first two were in Hokkaido which most of the advance pics are from, the other two days she travelled to Okinawa. As you can see in these pics there's many current and ex-Keya members, also one from Hina and it was Risa's decision to have them in the book.

 Risa did say in that interview she would continue on as a Non-no model and that's nice to hear as her pics from them are always terrific. Her last post was just two weeks ago so these five pics are the only new ones at their since then. But do have her spread for their June issue which will be in her next post, surprised she wasn't the cover girl for that issue.

 Next Saturday Risa will be at the Spring 'Girls Award' show, should have a post the following day and five other Keya members will be there too. Here's a set of pics that had never been posted before which was her first ever appearance at a 'Girls Award' show. It took place on October 8, 2016 and hasn't she changed so much in 5 1/2 years?!

 That bottom pic of course isn't from 2016 but one promoting her two graduation concerts, they will be streamed live so will have some posts in June with many screenshots from it. Have some brand new promo pics for the 'Uni's on Air' web game, the first four came out two days ago. The others are also new with her mate who I think will be graduating at the same time but not 100% sure about that.

 No new mag spreads save for the one from Non-no you'll see in her next post but with the book coming out would think there will be some mag spreads promoting it. So being no new spreads let's have an encore viewing of a fabulous one from the August 2021 edition of BLT Graph and I'm not positive that it had ever been posted. Last night Risa once again hosted 'Showroom' to promote the new photobook. After the pics have a very short segment from it which features a long departed Keya member who is a bit overdue for a post....

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