Thursday, September 29, 2022

"Kamen Rider Geats" series: Episode four of ?? recap


 Air Dates: September 4th until August 2023(!), Sunday mornings at 9:00 am on TV-Asahi
Screenwriter: Yuuya Takahashi     Subs done by Anon at NYAA

Main Cast: This will be an ongoing work in progress and this section may never be 100% complete! Most was written up after viewing the first episode though we didn't meet every character and sure a bit more will be added in for every show but hopefully most things will be known by the fifth or so episode. All of the riders are fighting an alien race called Jamato.

Desire Grand Prix rules

 Not all about the game has been revealed yet but this is what's known after two episodes. The contest lasts for six months, during it a Kamen Rider gets points with the most being for killing the alien Jamatos. Points can also be earned for saving human lives and other acts of heroism but not as many as slaying a Jamato. At the end of the contest the winner gets to choose what kind of world he wants to see exist, check on Ace below to see his wish as he won the last contest. Once a contest ends any person involved will have their memories reset and know zero about the contest and Jamato army so that person can live their live in peace. If they return for another contest those memories will return. Will update this section too as we go along.

Hideyoshi Kan as Ace Ukiyo/Kamen Rider Geats.... He truly is an ace fighter though slightly arrogant and is the most current winner of the Desire Grand Prix. Ace had a very unique and selfish wish for his new world. It would be one where he would be the Star of Stars or in other words immensely popular and to say he has a huge ego would be an understatement!

 Ryuga Sato as Keiwa Sakurai/KR Tycoon.... Newest Kamen Rider who was recruited at the end of the first episode. Keiwa is the younger brother of Sara and he was a college student who had been looking for work with no success.  His weapon is a powerful Armed Arrow.

 Yuno Hoshino as Neon Kurama/KR Nago.... She was also recruited at the end of the first episode and is the youngest Kamen Rider. Neon comes from a very wealthy family and until becoming a 'superhero' had been a very influential celebrity influencer, especially among high school girls. Her weapon is an Armed Hammer.

 Kazuto Mokudai as Michinaga Azuma/KR Buffa(buffer).... Think the Buffa is actually short for Buffalo and he is as tough as one! He has two weapons, one being a Water Shooter and obtained his second from KR Dapan which is a Magnum.

 Ryunosuke Miyamoto as Kanato Sumida/KR Dapan.... High school senior who is a new recruit and is so bitter about life due to an accident.

 Koji Abe as Morio Koganeya/KR Merry.... Bit of a playboy

 Tomoharu Hasegawa as Takahito Taira/KR Ginpen.... Is the personnel manager at an IT company that screens for future Kamen Riders. He himself became a rider in the second episode and his reason for wanting to win is to help his severely sick son.

 The others of the cast, don't think many more will be added in

Kokoro Aoshima as Tsumuri.... Navigates the Grand Prix as far as figuring out the points and other tidbits go but don't know enough about her yet.

 Nene Shida as Sara Sakurai.... My main reason for watching this show! She's the older sister of the newest Kamen Rider Keiwa and works as an OL.

During these recaps refer to the Riders by KR Name.

 Exciting finish to the previous episode with two Riders being bitten by a Jamato Zombie. But just because KR Dapan and KR Nago have been infected doesn't mean they're Zombies yet, what I don't understand is why Tsumuri and the team behind her don't do more to protect the Riders. For instance isn't there an antidote for the Zombie virus? Plus if the Riders are supposed to guard the Earth from the Jamato aliens wouldn't more Riders be better, in two shows we'll have gone from a potential 25 Riders down to five! Bit of a lull to start this episode off as the Jamato Zombies are regrouping for a third wave which should be their most powerful one, until the attack takes place the Riders can go back to their human lives. However the Zombie bites are still playing havoc with KR Dapan, more on him at the end, and KR Nago who is above in a few screenshots.

 In real life she lives with her wealthy family, her mother is so over protective and KR Nago aka Neon wants nothing more than to lead a normal life. She does have a very popular video channel with over ten million followers, should say did have a popular channel! During this brief break from the action she's discovered all of her videos had been deleted, no doubt her mother hacked into the page as she hated Neon's channel. We also learned she has a GPS tracker installed in her(!) but it only has a limited range which is why when Neon becomes a Rider she can't be discovered. One main thing we also learned was that when Neon was seven in age she had been kidnapped and held for a 300 million yen ransom which her family paid, easy to see then why her mother is so protective of her only child. But there's one thing the mother can't protect Neon from and that's the Zombie virus, it's slowly creeping into her system and before long will she too become a Jamato Zombie

 The main theme for Neon's video channel was running away for  home to lead a normal life. She's attempted fleeing fifty times(!) but had always been found, until this show Neon hadn't known about the GPS and did she get rid of it? So for the 51st time she's running away from home and outside her house were Ace, aka KR Geats, and Keiwa, aka KR Tycoon. Both were there for they were worried about Neon and wanted to help her, the Zombie virus is really getting to her and she seems ready to give up on life! Ace won the last Desire Grand Prix and can be such an egotistical bastard! But in the last two episodes he's shown he does care about others, to date Ace has saved Neon three times! Ace knows almost all there is about these Rider contests and there is a way for Neon to save herself.

 Not sure how long Neon has until she becomes a Jamato Zombie but Ace has told her that if the Riders can defeat the creatures before she's totally infected the virus will go away meaning she and KR Dapan will be normal human beings again. At that talk was KR Tycoon who was a bit silent, still think he may be the key character in this entire series. No more time for gabbing as the trio were notified the third wave of the Jamato Zombies is about to begin and all were needed in whatever city they protect. But there's more at stake than just defeating these aliens as the Desire Grand Prix contest is still going on. There's currently six Riders but the game's navigator Tsumuri has told them whoever has the lowest score during the battles will be eliminated! As I mentioned earlier wouldn't it be better if there were more Riders to protect the Earth?

 At first Neon was debating whether to fight the Jamato Zombies or just accept her fate that she will probably turn into one. But her one wish for years has to been to lead a regular life and that spurred her into action. Up until now she as KR Nago has bene a so-so fighter but she was the ace of this round. Her weapon is an Armed Hammer which is effective because the way to kill a Zombie is by hitting them in the head. KR Tycoon had leant KR Nago his Booster Buckle which makes all weapons that much more powerful, that hammer weapon soon became unbeatable. Good thing too as KR Nago's condition was deteriorating rapidly because of the Zombie bite, time was running out to defeat this army of aliens but with everyone's help the Jamatos were defeated somewhat easily. So that means the Zombie virus is no longer in KR Nago's body and also no longer affected KR Dapan, but what about this youngest Rider?

 KR Dapan aka Sumida has been nothing but a pain since the first minute. He's the youngest potential new Rider and is just bitter towards everything in life due to an injury which made him give up athletics. That bitterness went too far as in the last two shows KR Dapan attacked KR Nago though she was bailed out by KR Geats. That has cost KR Dapan for instead of attacking the Zombies he spent too much time on hurting his mates which he had no chance of defeating for her gave KR Buffa his powerful Magnum shooter. So because of that KR Dapan didn't spend enough time killing Jamatos and when the results were tallied up he was in last place for points! That means we'll bid KR Dapan a farewell and will that mean he's also going to die in real life? In that bottom screenshot above is the navigator of the contests who is Tsumuri, you can see her comment that KR Dapan didn't deserve to be a Rider! And with that these two recaps for today have come to their conclusion and as is the case for all Kamen Rider series this has been a fun watch so far. More screenshots below with much action and will be back in two weeks for the next pair of recaps.

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