Sunday, October 2, 2022

Ayano Sumida: Her eagerly awaited second intro post....


 Did Ayano's first ever post eleven days ago and that's proved to be very popular. It hasn't made that section for most viewed posts of the last month but it's not far off and that's not an easy feat getting a post into that section. In that first post said I would get more bio info for Ayano which hasn't worked out so well. Did mention that her birth date was on February 26, 1999 and her height was 155 cm. But besides that haven't found out much more save that she hails from Yamaguchi and think she may have been in a J-Pop group called Wild Bunny but can't find anything about them. Ayano's popularity has really risen this year so surprised there hasn't been more background info on her anywhere.... yet.

 As was the case for Ayano's first post will keep this one simple and mainly have another quartet of mag spreads. Have enough of them for another post but hope some new pics are coming out plus more info about her! She does post so many IG pics and these are from the last two months, as you can tell most are from photo shoots.

 In that first post had a January 31st mag which I thought was Ayano's first ever set of gravure pics. Was wrong on that as her first set was actually in the January 8th issue of Young Jump.

 So those two January spreads came out less than two months before Ayano turned 23 in age, where had she been hiding up until then? As I was working on this post was still searching for more bio info. Did just find this 2020 pic so promise to have more about her and the group in her next post.

 Continuing on with the spreads have this set from a special edition of Flash called 'Best of Summer 2022 #2'.

 Another Ayano set from Flash and this is from their July 26th issue.

 Final set for today is the largest one and is from the September 16th issue of Friday. Its promoting Ayano's first ever digital book which I think came out last week, sure it'll be the first of many! After the pics is a video from Young Magazine and that spread was in her last post.

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