Thursday, October 6, 2022

Maria Makino: Few sizzling new tidbits....


 Whew, will say once again it should be a crime someone can look to sweltering!!!! Was looking back at 2021 and while 2022 has been a semi busy year for Maria last year was so much busier. Bet she had twice as many solo magazine spreads plus so many more regular modeling pics. What I've also noticed is that J-Pop Idols don't appear in nearly as many magazines as they once did, that includes all of the '46' and '48' groups though one NMB gal has more gravure pics than the combined total of the rest of the Idols!!!! One reason for her sporadic activities is that Morning Musume hasn't been as busy this year, once again they've only had one single to date and only two since December 2020!

 Will soon have some sort of preliminary post for this year's faves list, it could be in two days or two weeks. Though Maria has slowed down a bit in 2022 she'll easily make the list but perhaps not the top ten. It's so difficult for a newbie that was introduced in a year to make the top ten, it hasn't happened since 2019! However with a strong next two months Maria just may be able to crack the esteemed top ten, know at least one other newbie will also accomplish that feat.

 What I'm hoping for is that Maria stays with Morning Musume for at least a few more years. She's young enough to do that so I can see her making that next 'Top Twenty Faves of All Time' list which wouldn't be done until 2026. She'd be 25 in age then and if her activities can increase a bit more why wouldn't she make the top five?! Maria's last post was done five weeks ago yet still have plenty of new pics since then, some from the group's Ameblo blog though not as many as usual.

 Those bottom two pics are from September 14th. On that date Morning Musume held a fan club event at the Kanagawa Kenmin Hall to celebrate the group's 25th anniversary, they were formed in the Summer of 1997 but the group's first single didn't come out until November of that year. At the fan club event a new member was introduced and also a graduation was announced, it's a wash so MM will remain a dozen members and I prefer smaller groups. They also announced their Autumn tour would begin in October and didn't Maria look so elegant at the event?

 Haven't done a Morning Musume group post in so long, mainly because they've been so quiet these last two years. But there are a pair of recent group magazine spreads so will try to work on one. Do have one new spread for today which is from the October 17th issue of Young Magazine, Maria does share the cover with two MM mates but did have her own solo spread.

 Back on February 2nd, which is Maria's birthday, she released her eighth(!) photobook as it seems she's trying to set a record for most books from a Hello Project member! She's had a book every year since 2015 so hope that continues on for a few more years....

 Didn't take long for Maria to release her ninth photobook "Zenshuu" which came out on August 31st, her last post had many things about it including some event pics. The book was kind of a 'greatest hits' one as it looked back at her previous four books and included many outtake pics from them that had never been seen. However much of the book featured brand new pics and it was a decent seller as it was in the top ten for sales in it's first week, then dropped out but made a reappearance on the charts in it's fourth week. Included with the special version was a 33 minute DVD from the photo shoot for the new pics and do I need to tell you how breathtaking Maria looked?! So these screenshots are from the first half of the DVD and will have more in her next post, really like her dressed in a wedding gown! After the pics is another video from the event to promote the new photobook.

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